The hidden costs of gender-blind investments in agriculture

Embedding a strong gender perspective in project planning and design is imperative to achieve substantive gender equality.

Gender-based violence prevention as a climate adaptation imperative 

IWMI aims to address entrenched social and gender norms that limit women’s agency while promoting education and leadership in the

Scorecard will help governments meet nationally determined contributions to cut carbon emissions

Henry Roman discusses the importance of measuring a country’s capacity to achieve its carbon emission targets to manage and sustain

Rethinking responses to the world’s water crises

IWMI's Rachael McDonnell contributes to reframing the responses to mitigating the world’s water crises using a ‘beyond growth’ framing.

Business and finance models for increased sustainability and equity of solar-powered irrigation in Pakistan

Combining innovative business and finance models could break the trend of increased inequities and risk of groundwater over-exploitation.

Seed treatment for pole bean cultivation

Providing guidance and educating farmers on the importance of chemical seed treatment in pole bean cultivation.

The environmental fallout of illegal mining in Southern Ghana

The environmental toll of illegal mining is undeniable, but forward-thinking initiatives are forging a path to recovery.

Land degradation in Ethiopia calls for community-led soil interventions 

IWMI and partners collaborated with farmers across the country to develop accessible solutions to combat soil quality issues.

IWMI drives evidence-based, collective action on water

IWMI’s work on food, land and water in Lao PDR aims to improve the agriculture sector and rural development as

Odisha’s integrated approach to food, land and water

The new report by IWMI and the Council on Energy, Environment and Water highlights the strengthening of policy coherence.

Collective action for healthy rivers

IWMI and partners cleaned up rivers and raised awareness on the vital importance of river ecosystems.

Women defining water, energy, food and ecosystems leadership in Nepal

While there is ample evidence of women’s roles and expertise in the management of resources, the literature is often silent

COP16 underscored need for increased global collaboration on biodiversity targets 

IWMI participated in discussions on competing demands on water and their impact on ecosystems at the 2024 UN Convention on

Stories from the Indian Sundarbans about loss and damage

The findings aim to contribute to a context-relevant Assessment Framework for Loss and Damage.

Data for decision making via the Climate-Smart Governance dashboard

IWMI pre-launched the Climate-Smart Governance (CSG) dashboard at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan earlier this week.

Transboundary collaboration on the Limpopo

Africa’s first prototype digital twin comes home to the Limpopo River Basin.

Climate finance for resilience is a necessity to counter the ongoing drought in Zambia

Estimates of losses in the agriculture and food sector and disease burdens underscore the need for strong policy frameworks, monitoring

IWMI gender researchers are helping to shape “transformative agendas” in the CGIAR Science Programs

Contributions at the CGIAR Gender Science Exchange emphasized the importance of social and environmental justice.

Recycling for food, energy and a cleaner environment

The recycling plant is an example of a public-private partnership that converts waste into valuable resources.

Jaffna’s groundwater crisis requires a collaborative pathway to sustainable water management

IWMI and local partners are developing an intervention which centers climate resilience to safeguard groundwater in Jaffna in Sri Lanka's

Pakistan’s first EC flux towers installed in Rahim Yar Khan

The Flux Towers, installed by IWMI, will measure data on agricultural water usage, carbon emissions and energy fluxes.

Stories of gender and social inclusion 

IWMI's work under Accelerating Impacts of CGIAR Climate Research for Africa aims to build climate-resilient livelihoods.

Partnerships are key to transitioning to a circular economy in the Arab region

IWMI and partners identify immediate actions for shifting to circular models in the water and agriculture sectors.

Resilient water and sanitation systems in Nepal

Integrating resilience to climate change, environmental degradation and disasters into WASH systems offers returns in the long-term.