Low-cost mobile weather stations are designed to help us monitor the weather more closely. We’re trialing the devices in Sri Lanka where they could help rural communities better prepare for floods and landslides.
All of the work featured here is open source. You can copy the weather station designs or modify them and build your own version.
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Installation manual – Sinhalese
Installation manual – Tamil
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- Flooding can be MINIMISED through technology (Source: http://www.dailymirror.lk) Nature gave us a few powerful lessons in the guise of droughts, landslides and floods which drove hundreds of people living in some parts of the country to enormous suffering in recent past. If there were ways to decrease the damage caused by natural disasters, many precious lives and property could have been saved.
- IWMI does the heavy-lifting to weather Lanka’s flood risk (Source: http://allasiaweb.com/) Weather-related disasters have become all too common in Sri Lanka, and the floods of 2015 and 16 aren’t easy to forget. Could flood disasters be overcome? The International Water Management Institute’s British funded weather stations in Sri Lanka, addresses the issue in a serious way.
- ස්වාභාවික විපත්වලින් ගැලවීමට නව තාක්ෂණ භාවිතය (Source: http://ravaya.lk/) Ravaya is an important Sinhala daily newspaper in Sri Lanka.
- Virakesari (Source: https://www.virakesari.lk/) Virakesari is the leading Tamil daily newspaper in Sri Lanka.
- Better handling of bad weather (Source: http://dailynews.lk) IWMI, with financial backing from the UK government and the World Bank, pioneered a low-cost mobile weather station that uses open-source hardware and software to measure rainfall, as well as wind speed and wind direction.
- DIY weather stations will aid flood control efforts (Source: http://www.ft.lk/) A new, inexpensive portable weather station that can automatically measure and transmit rainfall, temperature and wind speed could transform Sri Lanka’s flood warning systems.
- Low cost weather centres to help prevent flash flooding in Sri Lanka (Source: http://www.crj.co/) Soumya Balasubramanya and Yann Chemin describe how open-source mobile weather monitoring centres are being installed to reduce the risk of flash floods in Sri Lanka.
- Getting the better of bad weather (Source: http://www.iwmi.org) New, low-cost and portable weather stations could help countries like Sri Lanka better prepare for floods and landslides.
- An Open Source Hardware & Software online rain-gauge for real-time monitoring of rainwater harvesting in Sri Lanka (Source: Lanka Rainwater Harvesting Forum) This research endeavors to demonstrate that Open Design, Open Source Hardware and Free & Open Source Software can be used to taylor build a raingauge meteorological station, with Commodity Off The Shelf elements. The advantages are multiple, the cost is several times less than market options, it records what is of interest to the user only, and prepares analysis on-the-fly as programmed.
- These mobile weather stations can help cope with floods, landslides (Source: http://www.downtoearth.org.in) A low cost mobile weather station made in Sri Lanka can capture and transmit near real-time data on rainfall. It raises alarm in the event of extreme rainfall and other natural disasters, which can help farmers, disaster management officials and the scientists plan ahead. The device, costing US $250, is made primarily from locally sourced materials.
- These low cost mobile weather stations can help cope with floods, landslides (Source: http://www.indiaenvironmentportal.org.in) Sri Lanka’s indigenously developed device could help other developing nations to deal with climate impacts.
- Mobile technology helps Sri Lanka cope with climate change (Source: http://www.reuters.com) ROME (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Floods and landslides linked to climate change have battered parts of Sri Lanka in the past two years, disrupting food output, but scientists believe a new program to install low-cost weather stations based on open-source technology could help farmers adapt to increasingly wild weather.
- Scientists invent new technology to prevent crops flooding (Source: https://www.climateaction.org/) Scientists have invented a simple and economically efficient mobile weather station to send data of rainfall levels to farmers through mobile phones.
- Low-cost weather stations to help Sri Lanka prepare for floods (Source: http://www.un-spider.org) New Mobile Weather Stations, designed by scientists at the Sri Lanka-based International Water Management Institute, capture and transmit near real-time data on rainfall, helping raise the alarm when rains reach a certain level of intensity.
- In Sri Lanka il climate change si combatte la tecnologia mobile (Source: http://www.rinnovabili.it) Avviato un programma per la realizzazione in loco di stazioni meteo che attraverso la rete cellulare avvisino gli agricoltori dell’arrivo di eventi climatici estremi.
- La technologie mobile pour aider le Sri Lanka à gérer les inondations (Source: http://www.actualites-news-environnement.com) La technologie mobile et des stations météorologiques dernier cri pourrait aider le Sri Lanka à mieux gérer l’impact du changement climatique et notamment les inondations.
- Công nghệ di động giúp Sri Lanka ứng phó với biến đổi khí hậu (Source: http://www.thiennhien.net)
- Teknologi mobile bantu Sri Lanka beradaptasi dengan perubahan iklim (Source: http://www.antaranews.com)
- Sri Lankan phone to forecast rain (Source: http://www.sundayobserver.lk)
- Cheap and easily-buildable mobile weather stations being tested here (Source: http://www.island.lk/)
- Sri Lanka Develops Cheap Rainfall Forecasting Device (Source: http://www.asianscientist.com)
IWMI’s weather stations are taken up by others:
- IWMI supports the Coordinating Secretariat for Science, Technology and Education (COSTI) to develop National Weather Laboratory:
http://www.costi.gov.lk/index.php/en/2011-03-31-04-24-11?download=185:report-round-table-discussion-on-developing-a-national-climate-observatory-system-for-sri-lanka - IWMI enables Lanka Rainwater Harvesting Forum to establish warning systems in schools in Sri Lanka: http://lankarainwater.org/wp/?p=2416
- IWMI inspires young Sri Lanka entrepreneurs to develop a startup:
http://www.iwmi.org/2015/10/iwmi-lights-up-the-path-for-two-young-entrepreneurs/ - IWMI-inspired startup installs weather stations for rural bank in Sri Lanka to support payouts of weather index insurance products:
http://www.munichre-foundation.org/dms/MRS/Documents/Microinsurance/2016_IMC/Presentations/Pleanary2-IMC2016-Presentation-Kiriwandeniya/Pleanary2%20IMC2016%20Presentation%20Kiriwandeniya.pdf - IWMI’s stations are further developed by the University of Moratuwa and Institute of Earth Sciences—Switzerland to create a weather observatory:
http://4onse.org/#/?_k=wohvnh - UNESCO provides technical assistance for flood management:
https://opendata.unesco.org/project/41304-567RAS2000 - Pakistan Meteorological Department and the World Food Program use IWMI prototype to install stations for early warning systems:
http://www.pmd.gov.pk/wfp/weather.html and - In addition, we have been contacted by the following, who have indicated that they are using our materials to assemble and design their own stations for their purposes:
- Solomon Islands (UNDP): weather monitoring
- Vanuatu (Ministry of Agriculture): monitoring weather
- Togo (Red Cross/ Red Crescent Climate Change): monitoring rainfamm; research purposes
- Haiti (Ecole Supérieure d’Infotronique d’Haïti): education and research
- USA (World Wildlife Fund):
- Canada (Farmer’s Edge): monitoring soil moisture
- Japan (International Centre for Water Hazard and Risk Management): research and education on climate change
- Bhutan (Mountain Hazelnut Venture Pvt. Ltd.): weather monitoring