HomeWater, food and ecosystemsAgricultural water management transformations

Agricultural water management transformations - Page 2

Resource Recovery from Waste book

This critical publication explores sustainable, economically viable models for reusing waste in ways that benefit public health, agriculture, and energy production.

Coffee with a splash of green

In Vietnam, saving water isn’t just sustainable – it’s also profitable.

East Africa’s farmers get water-smart

New book provides practical advice for farmers to make the most of their farm in climate and water uncertain times.

Water fields

Watch how the district administration joined forces with the villagers to bring water to this arid land

CGIAR call for action at Rio+20

CGIAR calls for a focus on harmonizing food security and environmental sustainability through agricultural research and development.

United Nations: Humans should protect the environment and water sources

Report from UNEP and IWMI calls for improvement of agricultural technology and better use of ecosystems.

Rethinking agriculture in the Greater Mekong

How to sustainably meet food needs, enhance ecosystem services and cope with climate change.

David Molden receives CGIAR award for Outstanding Scientist

"Agriculture is both the cause and solution to many of the world's water problems," he stated.