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Climate mitigation and adaptation pathways - Page 7

When small is beautiful – but not spectacular

Taking stock of a widespread water intervention in Africa.

Fine-tuning flood risk management

New rounds of pilot testing and post-flood recovery in India.

How a dry village got its feet wet

As Laos seeks to strengthen food security and rural livelihoods, while adapting agriculture to climate change impacts, the potential of groundwater irrigation can only grow. Lessons learned from IWMI’s pilot study should prove valuable for helping realize this potential.

TimesOfIndia: International meet to focus on doubling farmers’ income

Key speakers include Mihir Shah, former member of the Planning Commission, S Venkataramanan, managing trustee of Tata Trusts, Claudia Sadoff, director general of IWMI.

Re-examining the economics, engineering and water management paradigms – An interview with Claudia Sadoff

Claudia Sadoff, spoke to IWA about exciting initiatives that turn wealth from waste, during World Water Congress 2018.

Media Release: 18 Natural Infrastructure Innovations Confronting Climate Change from Underground

More than 5 billion people could suffer water shortages by 2050 due to climate change, Pincreased demand and polluted supplies, concluded the UN’s 2018 report on the state of the world’s water.

What to do in the absence of water

IWMI's work was quoted in this article on World Water Week 2018.

Committed to soil and water conservation

Understanding Ethiopia’s past experience to guide future investments

The road to climate resilience

Enabling rural communities to draw up action plans aimed at enhancing resilience to climate-related hazards through sustainable management of natural resources.

KathmanduPost.Ekantipur.com: Over and under the pond

Another World Water Day passed this week. And around the world, including here in Nepal, water scarcity is a problem that is being increasingly exacerbated due to climate change.

UN Chronicle: Coming to grips with water security in the face of climate change

How people in high-risk areas of Africa and Asia can come to grips with water security in the face of climate change.

A unique ecosystem in and around Colombo

Valuing the natural capital of wetlands for sustainable urban development.

When the climate change news is good and bad

The authors of a new study about climate change impacts in Kenya have both good news and bad for the country’s vital Tana River Basin.

News Release: Kenya’s Tana River Basin Could See a More than 40 Percent Increase in Rainfall Due to Climate Change

The good news is tempered with bad, however, as the study indicates that extreme climate events, especially flooding, will also increase.

IWMI at COP 23

Addressing climate change impacts through better agricultural water management.

A bright future for solar-powered irrigation?

What’s not to like about the idea of using solar-powered pumps to irrigate crops in developing countries?

Making hazards into opportunities

What to do about too much and too little water in northern Ghana.

Sri Lanka hosts meeting of minds on the Indus Basin 

Experts identify key steps to strengthen knowledge on climate change and other water-related challenges 

IndiaClimateDialogue: Climate impacts hit 750 million South Asians over 10 years

Almost 750 million people in South Asia were affected by floods, droughts, extreme rainfall, heat waves and sea-level rise — all impacts of climate change.

South Asia’s climate hazard hotspots

Mapping risks and estimating impacts on people and agriculture

World Environment Day 2017

Striking a balance between nature and development.

Call for youth representatives

A youth agenda for sustainable agricultural transformation in an era of climate change and out-migration.

The fragility of rural cooperation

New evidence on the effects of integrating farmers with the global food chain

Why the local food trend will not cut it in a climate change future

As we head for a world with many more mouths to feed, variety may be more than just the spice of life – it may be its bread and butter too.

Good, better, best – Never let it rest

Success factors of watershed management in Ethiopia

DailyNews.lk: No rain no grain

The rains are next expected in Mid March and the country needs to find a way to survive until then.

ICID.org: Five years after the Bonn Nexus Conference – Implications for Irrigation and drainage

The water–food–energy nexus offers an unprecedented opportunity for change in agricultural water management.

A new type of gender training

The activities and discussions within the manual arose from science-based learning theories, with the intent of radically flattening the prevailing top-down communication structures.

Grafting glaciers and building ice stupas

Building ice stupas is helping farming communities of Ladakh in the far north of India to grow more crops and increase their resilience to climate change.

TheConversation: Managing water is key to adapting African agriculture to climate change

Jeremy Bird posted an article in TheConversation.com talking about investment in water storage, more efficient use of water and getting advice to farmers.

BangkokPost: Region needs innovative water plan

Op-ed in the Bangkok Post by Jeremy Bird, Director General of IWMI, on the need for an innovative water plan in South East Asia.

Alaraby.co.uk: Climate change and food insecurity – Groundwater will be key

Hotter and more unpredictable weather means the need to ensure water and food security in the region is becoming critical

From the Hindu Kush to the Indian Ocean

Closing knowledge gaps for climate adaptation