IWMI signs MoU with the League of Arab States

The agreement will facilitate further cooperation in the water security agenda of the Arab region.

Our cities are flooding but funding has dried up

Bridging gaps between research, policy and implementation can make cities flood-resilient.

Strengthening water security: IWMI and League of Arab States forge strategic partnership

Through partnerships with the LAS and other relevant stakeholders, IWMI seeks to enhance regional coordination on water security goals.

IWMI conducts grassroots consultation on irrigated groundwater management in Lao PDR

The meeting is part of a bottom-up approach to ensuring coherent policies on the use of water resources in agriculture.

Solarization of tube wells: A ‘double-edged sword’ in Pakistan

IWMI's Amjad Jamal discusses the implications of Pakistan's shift to solar-powered tube wells, specifically unchecked groundwater depletion.

IWMI and Jordan’s private sector collaborate on solutions for water security

Scaling impactful innovations is crucial for sustainable development in Jordan.

IWMI’s Morocco Resilience Days Forum charts course for climate adaptation

The four-day forum leveraged IWMI’s research on resilience and solidified scientific collaboration with local partners.

Highlights of Morocco Resilience Days 

The Morocco Resilience Days forum was held in Rabat from June 25-28, 2024.

The Souss-Massa online water accounting dashboard promotes informed resource management

The dashboard uses data from the Water Accounting+ framework to offer a comprehensive view of the basin’s water resources status.

IWMI is advancing use of high-res climate modeling for Middle East and North Africa’s small basins

In a region battling worsening climate challenges, this groundbreaking, yet easily replicable climate forecasting model will transform local decision-making processes.

Sustainable aquaculture in northern Ghana

See how local youths boost their incomes and plan for future cycles through sustainable aquaculture Ghana's Nansoni community.

Youth-led aquaculture in Northern Ghana 

By transforming underutilized dams into productive aquaculture farms, IWMI is helping to create year-round employment opportunities that reduce the need for youth migration.

Youth for a water-secure world

It is important to recognize that young professionals can make contributions to issues usually considered “beyond their scope.”

Remote sensing data for water resources assessments in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)

Water assessments that are based on verified, high-quality data result in more resilient agricultural systems, decrease water-related disputes and elevate the quality of life for millions.

Aquaculture in small reservoirs in Ghana’s North-East Region

The IWMI-led initiative is turning local dams into sources of growth and development.

Water sources and management in Adamawa State, Nigeria

Decision-making on water resource access and management should be inclusive to address the challenges of both men and women.

May-June 2024 Research Journal Roundup

Roundup of research, journal and other academic articles from May and June 2024.

Solar irrigation success in Makonde, Zimbabwe

IWMI has a track record for developing affordable, climate-smart irrigation solutions, targeting the context-specific needs of smallholder farmers in the Global South.

We need a strategy to manage our water

IWMI's Suchiradipta Bhattacharjee comments on how India, the largest user of groundwater globally, can transition from water scarcity to water security.

Navigating water challenges: Pathways to sustainability in Pakistan

Amjad Jamal discusses IWMI's significant role in Pakistan’s water sector, including key opportunities and potential strategies for overcoming the water crisis.

Living with floods

Pragmatic approaches to flood-resilient lives and livelihoods in Assam.

Opinion: Nepal needs a comprehensive groundwater policy

IWMI's Shreya Chakraborty and Tanmoy Bhaduri discuss groundwater use in Nepal and overlooked issues in policy frameworks.

Mitigating challenges for Southern African agribusiness as new African markets open

IWMI's Inga Jacobs-Mata, Ojong Enokenwa Baa and colleagues discuss the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA).

Trials and troubles of life in Adamawa State, Nigeria – Part Two

IWMI research shows evidence of the life-threatening impact of water scarcity on Internally Displaced Persons and host communities.