Water Policy Briefs

Water Policy Briefs are based on externally peer-reviewed published materials.

Displaying 49 publications
Managed aquifer recharge applications for climate adaptation in developing countries: mounting evidence, abundant potential (10/30/2024)

Managed aquifer recharge applications for climate adaptation in developing countries: mounting evidence, abundant potential

Data sharing in transboundary waters: current extent, future potential and practical recommendations (12/08/2021)

Data sharing in transboundary waters: current extent, future potential and practical recommendations

Prices, loans or ambiguity? Factors influencing groundwater irrigation adoption in Ethiopia (12/08/2021)

Prices, loans or ambiguity? Factors influencing groundwater irrigation adoption in Ethiopia

Strengthening participatory irrigation management in Tajikistan (6/20/2018)

Strengthening participatory irrigation management in Tajikistan

Dams and malaria in Africa: time for action (6/29/2018)

Dams and malaria in Africa: time for action

Thinking inside the basin: scale in transboundary water management (1/14/2016)

Thinking inside the basin: scale in transboundary water management

Translating watershed guidelines on the ground (11/28/2015)

Translating watershed guidelines on the ground

Environmental livelihood security in Southeast Asia and Oceania (4/29/2015)

Environmental livelihood security in Southeast Asia and Oceania

Promoting productive gendered spaces for adapting to climatic stress: two case studies from rural Bangladesh (12/19/2014)

Promoting productive gendered spaces for adapting to climatic stress: two case studies from rural Bangladesh

Women’s vulnerability to climatic and non-climatic change in the eastern Gangetic Plains. In Nepali (8/22/2014)

Women’s vulnerability to climatic and non-climatic change in the eastern Gangetic Plains. In Nepali

Women’s vulnerability to climatic and non-climatic change in the eastern Gangetic Plains (8/22/2014)

Women’s vulnerability to climatic and non-climatic change in the eastern Gangetic Plains

Dams and malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa (8/31/2010)

Dams and malaria in Sub-Saharan Africa

Land and water resources management for upland farms in Southeast Asia: some lessons learned (3/31/2010)

Land and water resources management for upland farms in Southeast Asia: some lessons learned

Banking on groundwater in times of change (3/17/2010)

Banking on groundwater in times of change

Flexible water storage options and adaptation to climate change (11/20/2009)

Flexible water storage options and adaptation to climate change

Water implications of biofuel crops: understanding tradeoffs and identifying options (12/5/2008)

Water implications of biofuel crops: understanding tradeoffs and identifying options

Creating healthy working rivers: the wisdom of environmental flows (1/7/2008)

Creating healthy working rivers: the wisdom of environmental flows

Pro-poor intervention strategies in irrigated agriculture: lessons from the Asian experience (7/27/2007)

Pro-poor intervention strategies in irrigated agriculture: lessons from the Asian experience

Rethinking tribal development: water management strategies for revitalizing tribal agriculture in central India (7/27/2007)

Rethinking tribal development: water management strategies for revitalizing tribal agriculture in central India

Recognizing informal irrigation in urban and peri-urban West Africa (8/12/2008)

Recognizing informal irrigation in urban and peri-urban West Africa

Does food trade save water?: the potential role of food trade in water scarcity mitigation (3/23/2007)

Does food trade save water?: the potential role of food trade in water scarcity mitigation

IWRM challenges in developing countries: lessons from India and elsewhere (2/15/2007)

IWRM challenges in developing countries: lessons from India and elsewhere

Choosing appropriate responses to groundwater depletion (8/12/2008)

Choosing appropriate responses to groundwater depletion

Promoting micro-irrigation technologies that reduce poverty (12/18/2006)

Promoting micro-irrigation technologies that reduce poverty

Water governance in the Mekong region: the need for more informed policy-making (12/18/2006)

Water governance in the Mekong region: the need for more informed policy-making

Working wetlands: a new approach to balancing agricultural development with environmental protection (10/25/2006)

Working wetlands: a new approach to balancing agricultural development with environmental protection

Improving performance and financial viability of irrigation systems in India and China (8/16/2006)

Improving performance and financial viability of irrigation systems in India and China

Taking a multiple-use approach to meeting the water needs of poor communities brings multiple benefits (6/14/2006)

Taking a multiple-use approach to meeting the water needs of poor communities brings multiple benefits

Recycling realities: managing health risks to make wastewater an asset (6/14/2006)

Recycling realities: managing health risks to make wastewater an asset

Romper los ciclos de degradacion de la tierra: estudio de un caso en Ban Lak Sip, Republica Democratica Popular Lao. In Spanish (11/15/2012)

Romper los ciclos de degradacion de la tierra: estudio de un caso en Ban Lak Sip, Republica Democratica Popular Lao. In Spanish

Caudales ambientales: planificando la asignacion del agua para el medioambiente. In Spanish (11/15/2012)

Caudales ambientales: planificando la asignacion del agua para el medioambiente. In Spanish

Integrando de la industria pesquera en el planeamiento y manejo de la irrigacion. In Spanish (11/14/2012)

Integrando de la industria pesquera en el planeamiento y manejo de la irrigacion. In Spanish

Reduccion de la pobreza por medio de la gestion integrada de las aguas subteraneas y superficiales. In Spanish (9/20/2007)

Reduccion de la pobreza por medio de la gestion integrada de las aguas subteraneas y superficiales. In Spanish

Reducing poverty through integrated management of groundwater and surface water (9/20/2007)

Reducing poverty through integrated management of groundwater and surface water

Integrating fisheries into irrigation planning and management: protecting and enhancing fisheries in irrigated areas (8/16/2006)

Integrating fisheries into irrigation planning and management: protecting and enhancing fisheries in irrigated areas

Breaking the cycles of land degradation: a case study from Ban Lak Sip, Lao PDR (3/7/2006)

Breaking the cycles of land degradation: a case study from Ban Lak Sip, Lao PDR

Environmental flows: planning for environmental water allocation (20051118)

Environmental flows: planning for environmental water allocation

Planning groundwater use for sustainable rural development (20051031)

Planning groundwater use for sustainable rural development

Irrigation management transfer: how to make it work for Africa’s smallholders? (20040312)

Irrigation management transfer: how to make it work for Africa’s smallholders?

The energy-irrigation nexus (20040312)

The energy-irrigation nexus

Improving water productivity: how do we get more crop from every drop (20040312)

Improving water productivity: how do we get more crop from every drop

Rethinking tank rehabilitation: issues in restoring old tanks to their original state in irrigation structure (20040312)

Rethinking tank rehabilitation: issues in restoring old tanks to their original state in irrigation structure

Confronting the realities of wastewater use in agriculture (20031203)

Confronting the realities of wastewater use in agriculture

Pro-poor irrigation management transfer? (20030605)

Pro-poor irrigation management transfer?

Building high-performance knowledge institutions for water management (20030605)

Building high-performance knowledge institutions for water management

The socio-ecology of groundwater in India (20030605)

The socio-ecology of groundwater in India

The challenges of integrated river basin management in India: issues in transferring successful river basin management models to the developing world (20030605)

The challenges of integrated river basin management in India: issues in transferring successful river basin management models to the developing world

Bringing pumps to people: giving the poor better access to groundwater irrigation: sustainable approaches and options for eastern India (20030605)

Bringing pumps to people: giving the poor better access to groundwater irrigation: sustainable approaches and options for eastern India

Innovations in groundwater recharge (20030605)

Innovations in groundwater recharge