Water Issue Briefs

Putting research knowledge into action

Water Issue Briefs have not been independently peer-reviewed. Responsibility for opinions expressed and any possible errors lie with the authors and not the institutions involved.

Displaying 34 publications
Wastewater reuse in Pakistan: highlights of recent literature reviews (12/31/2024)

Wastewater reuse in Pakistan: highlights of recent literature reviews

Greywater use for food security in refugee camps: a guidance note for risk management (01/31/2025)

Greywater use for food security in refugee camps: a guidance note for risk management

Strengthening food security and resilience through irrigated vegetable production in emergency settings: key issues and actions. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development (01/31/2025)

Strengthening food security and resilience through irrigated vegetable production in emergency settings: key issues and actions. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development

Catalyzing farmer-led irrigation development in Africa: vision and pathways drawing from business, research and development practices. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development (07/31/2024)

Catalyzing farmer-led irrigation development in Africa: vision and pathways drawing from business, research and development practices. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development

Climate-smart agricultural practices for improved livelihoods of small-scale farmers in Ethiopia (07/31/2024)

Climate-smart agricultural practices for improved livelihoods of small-scale farmers in Ethiopia

Enhancing community and environmental resilience through landscape management in Ethiopia (07/31/2024)

Enhancing community and environmental resilience through landscape management in Ethiopia

Market segmentation to facilitate scaling of solar-based irrigation bundles in Ethiopia. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development (04/30/2024)

Market segmentation to facilitate scaling of solar-based irrigation bundles in Ethiopia. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development

Determining the marketing margin for irrigation technologies in Ghana: a supply chain perspective. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development (08/23/2023)

Determining the marketing margin for irrigation technologies in Ghana: a supply chain perspective. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development

Determining the marketing margin for irrigation technologies in Ethiopia: a supply chain analysis. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development (05/16/2023)

Determining the marketing margin for irrigation technologies in Ethiopia: a supply chain analysis. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development

Enhancing gender and youth inclusion in Ghana’s irrigated vegetable value chain. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development (5/12/2023)

Enhancing gender and youth inclusion in Ghana’s irrigated vegetable value chain. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development

Sustainable and inclusive scaling of irrigation technologies and services in Ethiopia. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development (03/31/2023)

Sustainable and inclusive scaling of irrigation technologies and services in Ethiopia. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development

Scaling best-fit irrigation bundles in Mali: a pathway for improved development outcomes. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development (03/31/2023)

Scaling best-fit irrigation bundles in Mali: a pathway for improved development outcomes. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development

Scaling solar-based irrigation in Ghana’s Upper East Region: a demand-supply linkage approach. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development (02/25/2023)

Scaling solar-based irrigation in Ghana’s Upper East Region: a demand-supply linkage approach. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development

Inclusive agriculture: creating opportunities for women and youth in Mali’s irrigated vegetable value chain. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development (01/30/2023)

Inclusive agriculture: creating opportunities for women and youth in Mali’s irrigated vegetable value chain. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development

Scaling solar-based irrigation bundles in Ethiopia: a market linkage pathway. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development (01/27/2023)

Scaling solar-based irrigation bundles in Ethiopia: a market linkage pathway. Adaptive Innovation Scaling - Pathways from Small-scale Irrigation to Sustainable Development

Water and climate security: the human impact of disrupted systems (06/30/2022)

Water and climate security: the human impact of disrupted systems

Circular economy solutions to close water, energy and food loops in West Africa (12/07/2021)

Circular economy solutions to close water, energy and food loops in West Africa

Transformation of water systems for climate change adaptation and resilience (10/29/2021)

Transformation of water systems for climate change adaptation and resilience

Integrated water solutions for climate change adaptation in West Africa (7/8/2021)

Integrated water solutions for climate change adaptation in West Africa

Transformative solutions for inclusive economic growth in West Africa (7/8/2021)

Transformative solutions for inclusive economic growth in West Africa

Agricultural water management innovations to build resilient food systems in West Africa (7/8/2021)

Agricultural water management innovations to build resilient food systems in West Africa

Banking on groundwater (1/10/2012)

Banking on groundwater

Nepal: issues and opportunities for investment (8/23/2011)

Nepal: issues and opportunities for investment

Sri Lanka: issues and opportunities for investment (8/16/2011)

Sri Lanka: issues and opportunities for investment

Water, poverty and equity (8/9/2011)

Water, poverty and equity

Water governance (8/9/2011)

Water governance

Water pricing and allocation (8/8/2011)

Water pricing and allocation

India: issues and opportunities for investment (7/15/2011)

India: issues and opportunities for investment

Water storage (Revised 2015) (7/12/2011)

Water storage (Revised 2015)

Managing water for rainfed agriculture (7/12/2011)

Managing water for rainfed agriculture

Revitalizing irrigation (7/12/2011)

Revitalizing irrigation

Wastewater use in agriculture: not only an issue where water is scarce! (6/30/2011)

Wastewater use in agriculture: not only an issue where water is scarce!

Water quality: why land management matters (6/30/2011)

Water quality: why land management matters

Using wetlands sustainably (7/12/2011)

Using wetlands sustainably