IWMI Working Papers

Displaying 254 publications
Investment and cultivation strategies for women and youth inclusion: cases from on-farm, off-farm and non-farm activities in Ethiopia and Mali (05/09/2024)
Working / Discussion Paper

Investment and cultivation strategies for women and youth inclusion: cases from on-farm, off-farm and non-farm activities in Ethiopia and Mali

A framework for an African Water Quality Program (AWaQ) (05/30/2024)
Working / Discussion Paper

A framework for an African Water Quality Program (AWaQ)

Innovations in water quality monitoring and management in Africa: towards developing an African Water Quality Program (AWaQ) (05/30/2024)
Working / Discussion Paper

Innovations in water quality monitoring and management in Africa: towards developing an African Water Quality Program (AWaQ)

State of water quality monitoring and pollution control in Africa: towards developing an African Water Quality Program (AWaQ) (05/30/2024)
Working / Discussion Paper

State of water quality monitoring and pollution control in Africa: towards developing an African Water Quality Program (AWaQ)

Anticipatory action in communities hosting refugees and internally displaced persons: an assessment of current approaches (01/30/2024)
Working / Discussion Paper

Anticipatory action in communities hosting refugees and internally displaced persons: an assessment of current approaches

Digital innovation in citizen science to enhance water quality monitoring in developing countries (01/20/2024)
Working / Discussion Paper

Digital innovation in citizen science to enhance water quality monitoring in developing countries

The link between small reservoir infrastructure and farmer-led irrigation: case study of Ogun Watershed in southwestern Nigeria (03/06/2023)
Working / Discussion Paper

The link between small reservoir infrastructure and farmer-led irrigation: case study of Ogun Watershed in southwestern Nigeria

Environmental flows in support of sustainable intensification of agriculture in the Letaba River Basin, South Africa (08/08/2023)
Working / Discussion Paper

Environmental flows in support of sustainable intensification of agriculture in the Letaba River Basin, South Africa

Data quality deterioration in the Lake Tana Sub-basin, Ethiopia: scoping study to provide streamflow and water withdrawal data (05/21/2022)
Working / Discussion Paper

Data quality deterioration in the Lake Tana Sub-basin, Ethiopia: scoping study to provide streamflow and water withdrawal data

Gender equality and social inclusion in community-led multiple use water services in Nepal (02/10/2022)
Working / Discussion Paper

Gender equality and social inclusion in community-led multiple use water services in Nepal

Change in global freshwater storage (03/23/2022)
Working / Discussion Paper

Change in global freshwater storage

Bundled weather index insurance pilot for drought-affected areas in Sri Lanka: reaching marginal farmers (12/20/2021)
Working / Discussion Paper

Bundled weather index insurance pilot for drought-affected areas in Sri Lanka: reaching marginal farmers

Adaptation to climate variability in Sri Lanka: a case study of the Huruluwewa Irrigation System in the Dry Zone (11/09/2021)
Working / Discussion Paper

Adaptation to climate variability in Sri Lanka: a case study of the Huruluwewa Irrigation System in the Dry Zone

Economics of Index-based Flood Insurance (IBFI): scenario analysis and stakeholder perspectives from South Asia (11/09/2021)
Working / Discussion Paper

Economics of Index-based Flood Insurance (IBFI): scenario analysis and stakeholder perspectives from South Asia

Chasing the water: the political economy of water management and catchment development in the Karamoja-Turkana Complex (KTC), Uganda (9/3/2021)
Working / Discussion Paper

Chasing the water: the political economy of water management and catchment development in the Karamoja-Turkana Complex (KTC), Uganda

Analyzing the enabling environment to enhance the scaling of irrigation and water management technologies: a tool for implementers (2/10/2021)
Working / Discussion Paper

Analyzing the enabling environment to enhance the scaling of irrigation and water management technologies: a tool for implementers

Mapping irrigated and rainfed agriculture in Ethiopia (2015-2016) using remote sensing methods (12/20/2021)
Working / Discussion Paper

Mapping irrigated and rainfed agriculture in Ethiopia (2015-2016) using remote sensing methods

Between a rock and a hard place: early experience of migration challenges under the Covid-19 pandemic (12/16/2020)
Working / Discussion Paper

Between a rock and a hard place: early experience of migration challenges under the Covid-19 pandemic

Guidelines for community-led multiple use water services: evidence from rural South Africa (12/7/2020)
Working / Discussion Paper

Guidelines for community-led multiple use water services: evidence from rural South Africa

Process and benefits of community-led multiple use water services: comparing two communities in South Africa (12/7/2020)
Working / Discussion Paper

Process and benefits of community-led multiple use water services: comparing two communities in South Africa

Gap and opportunity analysis of hydrological monitoring in the Ziway-Shala Sub-basin, Ethiopia (11/20/2020)
Working / Discussion Paper

Gap and opportunity analysis of hydrological monitoring in the Ziway-Shala Sub-basin, Ethiopia

Citizen science in community-based watershed management: an institutional analysis in Ethiopia (10/27/2020)
Working / Discussion Paper

Citizen science in community-based watershed management: an institutional analysis in Ethiopia

Analyse de textes legislatifs et reglementaires concernant la reforme du systeme de gestion des infrastructures d’approvisionnement en eau potable en milieux rural et semi-urbain au Burkina Faso. In French (5/20/2020)
Working / Discussion Paper

Analyse de textes legislatifs et reglementaires concernant la reforme du systeme de gestion des infrastructures d’approvisionnement en eau potable en milieux rural et semi-urbain au Burkina Faso. In French

Small reservoirs in Africa: a review and synthesis to strengthen future investment (7/1/2019)
Working / Discussion Paper

Small reservoirs in Africa: a review and synthesis to strengthen future investment

Mechanizing water lifting through pumps: a case study in Sri Lanka (3/22/2019)
Working / Discussion Paper

Mechanizing water lifting through pumps: a case study in Sri Lanka

From the mountains to the plains: impact of climate change on water resources in the Koshi River Basin (3/13/2019)
Working / Discussion Paper

From the mountains to the plains: impact of climate change on water resources in the Koshi River Basin

Unpacking the water-energy-environment-food nexus: working across systems (5/30/2019)
Working / Discussion Paper

Unpacking the water-energy-environment-food nexus: working across systems

Improving the availability and effectiveness of rural and “Micro” finance for small-scale irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa: a review of lessons learned (12/12/2018)
Working / Discussion Paper

Improving the availability and effectiveness of rural and “Micro” finance for small-scale irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa: a review of lessons learned

Gender dimensions of community-based groundwater governance in Ethiopia: using citizen science as an entry point (10/12/2018)
Working / Discussion Paper

Gender dimensions of community-based groundwater governance in Ethiopia: using citizen science as an entry point

Community-managed groundwater irrigation on the Vientiane Plain of Lao PDR: planning, implementation and findings from a pilot trial (1/16/2019)
Working / Discussion Paper

Community-managed groundwater irrigation on the Vientiane Plain of Lao PDR: planning, implementation and findings from a pilot trial

Highlights of soil and water conservation investments in four regions of Ethiopia (8/8/2018)
Working / Discussion Paper

Highlights of soil and water conservation investments in four regions of Ethiopia

Investigation of the modalities for an innovative financing mechanism for participatory natural resource management in the Bale Eco-region, Ethiopia (8/24/2018)
Working / Discussion Paper

Investigation of the modalities for an innovative financing mechanism for participatory natural resource management in the Bale Eco-region, Ethiopia

Water user associations: a review of approaches and alternative management options for Sub-Saharan Africa (6/13/2018)
Working / Discussion Paper

Water user associations: a review of approaches and alternative management options for Sub-Saharan Africa

Dependence of riparian communities on ecosystem services in northern Ghana (1/17/2018)
Working / Discussion Paper

Dependence of riparian communities on ecosystem services in northern Ghana

Understanding the hydrological impacts of climate change in the Tana River Basin (12/19/2017)
Working / Discussion Paper

Understanding the hydrological impacts of climate change in the Tana River Basin

Sticks and carrots: managing groundwater overabstraction in La Mancha, Spain (11/1/2017)
Working / Discussion Paper

Sticks and carrots: managing groundwater overabstraction in La Mancha, Spain

Adapting aquifer storage and recovery technology to the flood-prone areas of northern Ghana for dry-season irrigation (9/12/2017)
Working / Discussion Paper

Adapting aquifer storage and recovery technology to the flood-prone areas of northern Ghana for dry-season irrigation

Public participation in environmental impact assessment of hydropower plants in Nepal: a context-specific approach (9/26/2017)
Working / Discussion Paper

Public participation in environmental impact assessment of hydropower plants in Nepal: a context-specific approach

Smallholder irrigation schemes in the Limpopo Province, South Africa (6/14/2017)
Working / Discussion Paper

Smallholder irrigation schemes in the Limpopo Province, South Africa

Agro-climatic and hydrological characterization of selected watersheds in northern Ghana (8/9/2017)
Working / Discussion Paper

Agro-climatic and hydrological characterization of selected watersheds in northern Ghana

Mapping irrigated areas in the Limpopo Province, South Africa (4/19/2017)
Working / Discussion Paper

Mapping irrigated areas in the Limpopo Province, South Africa

Multiple uses of small reservoirs in crop-livestock agro-ecosystems of the Volta River Basin with an emphasis on livestock management (2/6/2017)
Working / Discussion Paper

Multiple uses of small reservoirs in crop-livestock agro-ecosystems of the Volta River Basin with an emphasis on livestock management

An assessment of integrated watershed management in Ethiopia (12/21/2016)
Working / Discussion Paper

An assessment of integrated watershed management in Ethiopia

Methods to investigate the hydrology of the Himalayan springs: a review (6/2/2016)
Working / Discussion Paper

Methods to investigate the hydrology of the Himalayan springs: a review

Measuring transboundary water cooperation: learning from the past to inform the sustainable development goals (12/16/2015)
Working / Discussion Paper

Measuring transboundary water cooperation: learning from the past to inform the sustainable development goals

Review of hydro-economic models to address river basin management problems: structure, applications and research gaps (12/16/2015)
Working / Discussion Paper

Review of hydro-economic models to address river basin management problems: structure, applications and research gaps

Evaluation des ressources en eau du bassin de la Volta. In French (6/2/2016)
Working / Discussion Paper

Evaluation des ressources en eau du bassin de la Volta. In French

Water resources assessment of the Volta River Basin (2/1/2016)
Working / Discussion Paper

Water resources assessment of the Volta River Basin

Baseline review and ecosystem services assessment of the Tana River Basin, Kenya (5/9/2016)
Working / Discussion Paper

Baseline review and ecosystem services assessment of the Tana River Basin, Kenya

Consumer perceptions of fruit and vegetable quality: certification and other options for safeguarding public health in West Africa (10/2/2015)
Working / Discussion Paper

Consumer perceptions of fruit and vegetable quality: certification and other options for safeguarding public health in West Africa

Characteristics of urban and peri-urban agriculture in West Africa: results of an exploratory survey conducted in Tamale (Ghana) and Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) (10/2/2015)
Working / Discussion Paper

Characteristics of urban and peri-urban agriculture in West Africa: results of an exploratory survey conducted in Tamale (Ghana) and Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)

Review paper on ‘Garden Kits’ in Africa: lessons learned and the potential of improved water management (3/20/2015)
Working / Discussion Paper

Review paper on ‘Garden Kits’ in Africa: lessons learned and the potential of improved water management

Extent of arsenic contamination and its impact on the food chain and human health in the eastern Ganges Basin: a review (1/7/2015)
Working / Discussion Paper

Extent of arsenic contamination and its impact on the food chain and human health in the eastern Ganges Basin: a review

Revitalizing canal irrigation: towards improving cost recovery (9/17/2014)
Working / Discussion Paper

Revitalizing canal irrigation: towards improving cost recovery

A framework to understand gender and structural vulnerability to climate change in the Ganges River Basin: lessons from Bangladesh, India and Nepal (2/12/2015)
Working / Discussion Paper

A framework to understand gender and structural vulnerability to climate change in the Ganges River Basin: lessons from Bangladesh, India and Nepal

Review of literature on chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu) in Sri Lanka (5/16/2014)
Working / Discussion Paper

Review of literature on chronic kidney disease of unknown etiology (CKDu) in Sri Lanka

Hydrogeology of the eastern Ganges Basin: an overview (2/17/2014)
Working / Discussion Paper

Hydrogeology of the eastern Ganges Basin: an overview

Evaluation rapide de la disponibilite en eau et des technologies appropriees pour la petite agriculture: directives pour les acteurs de terrain. In French (1/13/2015)
Working / Discussion Paper

Evaluation rapide de la disponibilite en eau et des technologies appropriees pour la petite agriculture: directives pour les acteurs de terrain. In French

Rapid assessment of water availability and appropriate technologies for small-scale farming: guidelines for practitioners (12/18/2014)
Working / Discussion Paper

Rapid assessment of water availability and appropriate technologies for small-scale farming: guidelines for practitioners

Opportunites d’investissement dans le forage manuel de puits en Ethiopie. In French (5/8/2014)
Working / Discussion Paper

Opportunites d’investissement dans le forage manuel de puits en Ethiopie. In French

Manual well drilling investment opportunity in Ethiopia (9/10/2013)
Working / Discussion Paper

Manual well drilling investment opportunity in Ethiopia

Improving the supply chain of motor pumps to expand small-scale private irrigation in Zambia (6/3/2013)
Working / Discussion Paper

Improving the supply chain of motor pumps to expand small-scale private irrigation in Zambia

Gender aspects of small-scale private irrigation in Africa (6/3/2013)
Working / Discussion Paper

Gender aspects of small-scale private irrigation in Africa

Investing in agricultural water management to benefit smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. AgWater Solutions Project country synthesis report (11/2/2012)
Working / Discussion Paper

Investing in agricultural water management to benefit smallholder farmers in Ethiopia. AgWater Solutions Project country synthesis report

Investing in agricultural water management to benefit smallholder farmers in Madhya Pradesh, India. AgWater Solutions Project country synthesis report (10/25/2012)
Working / Discussion Paper

Investing in agricultural water management to benefit smallholder farmers in Madhya Pradesh, India. AgWater Solutions Project country synthesis report

Investing in agricultural water management to benefit smallholder farmers in Zambia. AgWater Solutions Project country synthesis report (10/24/2012)
Working / Discussion Paper

Investing in agricultural water management to benefit smallholder farmers in Zambia. AgWater Solutions Project country synthesis report

Investir dans la gestion de l’eau en agriculture au profit des petits exploitants agricoles du Burkina Faso. Rapport national de synthese du projet AgWater Solutions. In French (11/12/2012)
Working / Discussion Paper

Investir dans la gestion de l’eau en agriculture au profit des petits exploitants agricoles du Burkina Faso. Rapport national de synthese du projet AgWater Solutions. In French

Investing in agricultural water management to benefit smallholder farmers in Burkina Faso. AgWater Solutions Project country synthesis report (10/22/2012)
Working / Discussion Paper

Investing in agricultural water management to benefit smallholder farmers in Burkina Faso. AgWater Solutions Project country synthesis report

Investing in agricultural water management to benefit smallholder farmers in West Bengal, India. AgWater Solutions Project country synthesis report (10/22/2012)
Working / Discussion Paper

Investing in agricultural water management to benefit smallholder farmers in West Bengal, India. AgWater Solutions Project country synthesis report

Investing in agricultural water management to benefit smallholder farmers in Ghana. AgWater Solutions Project country synthesis report (10/22/2012)
Working / Discussion Paper

Investing in agricultural water management to benefit smallholder farmers in Ghana. AgWater Solutions Project country synthesis report

Investing in agricultural water management to benefit smallholder farmers in Tanzania. AgWater Solutions Project country synthesis report (10/9/2012)
Working / Discussion Paper

Investing in agricultural water management to benefit smallholder farmers in Tanzania. AgWater Solutions Project country synthesis report

Agricultural extension in Central Asia: existing strategies and future needs (12/19/2011)
Working / Discussion Paper

Agricultural extension in Central Asia: existing strategies and future needs

An overview of the development challenges and constraints of the Niger Basin and possible intervention strategies (9/14/2011)
Working / Discussion Paper

An overview of the development challenges and constraints of the Niger Basin and possible intervention strategies

A comparative analysis of the technical efficiency of rain-fed and smallholder irrigation in Ethiopia (8/2/2011)
Working / Discussion Paper

A comparative analysis of the technical efficiency of rain-fed and smallholder irrigation in Ethiopia

Typology of irrigation systems in Ghana (6/27/2011)
Working / Discussion Paper

Typology of irrigation systems in Ghana

A case for pipelining water distribution in the Narmada Irrigation System in Gujarat, India (2/8/2011)
Working / Discussion Paper

A case for pipelining water distribution in the Narmada Irrigation System in Gujarat, India

Inventory of water storage types in the Blue Nile and Volta River Basins (10/8/2010)
Working / Discussion Paper

Inventory of water storage types in the Blue Nile and Volta River Basins

Climate change impacts and adaptation in Nepal (12/29/2010)
Working / Discussion Paper

Climate change impacts and adaptation in Nepal

Synthesis of IWMI work in Nepal (10/20/2010)
Working / Discussion Paper

Synthesis of IWMI work in Nepal

Multiple sources of water for multiple purposes in northeast Thailand (2/7/2011)
Working / Discussion Paper

Multiple sources of water for multiple purposes in northeast Thailand

Health impacts of small reservoirs in Burkina Faso (2/2/2010)
Working / Discussion Paper

Health impacts of small reservoirs in Burkina Faso

From Mesopotamia to the third millennium: the historical trajectory of water development and use in the Karkheh River Basin, Iran (5/13/2010)
Working / Discussion Paper

From Mesopotamia to the third millennium: the historical trajectory of water development and use in the Karkheh River Basin, Iran

Assessing the economic impact of redistributing water within a catchment: a case study of the Musi Catchment in the Krishna Basin in India (5/13/2010)
Working / Discussion Paper

Assessing the economic impact of redistributing water within a catchment: a case study of the Musi Catchment in the Krishna Basin in India

Livestock and water interactions in mixed crop-livestock farming systems of Sub-Saharan Africa: interventions for improved productivity (6/25/2009)
Working / Discussion Paper

Livestock and water interactions in mixed crop-livestock farming systems of Sub-Saharan Africa: interventions for improved productivity

Institutional settings and livelihood strategies in the Blue Nile Basin: implications for upstream/downstream linkages (2/5/2009)
Working / Discussion Paper

Institutional settings and livelihood strategies in the Blue Nile Basin: implications for upstream/downstream linkages

A review of hydrology, sediment and water resource use in the Blue Nile Basin (2/5/2009)
Working / Discussion Paper

A review of hydrology, sediment and water resource use in the Blue Nile Basin

A review of methods of hydrological estimation at ungauged sites in India (6/27/2008)
Working / Discussion Paper

A review of methods of hydrological estimation at ungauged sites in India

A framework for efficient wastewater treatment and recycling systems (6/27/2008)
Working / Discussion Paper

A framework for efficient wastewater treatment and recycling systems

Wastewater reuse and recycling systems: a perspective into India and Australia (6/27/2008)
Working / Discussion Paper

Wastewater reuse and recycling systems: a perspective into India and Australia

The Nile Basin water resources: overview of key research questions pertinent to the Nile Basin initiative (6/24/2008)
Working / Discussion Paper

The Nile Basin water resources: overview of key research questions pertinent to the Nile Basin initiative

Rainwater harvesting technologies in the Sahelian zone of West Africa and the potential for outscaling (5/11/2009)
Working / Discussion Paper

Rainwater harvesting technologies in the Sahelian zone of West Africa and the potential for outscaling

A review of management strategies for salt-prone land and water resources in Iran (11/16/2007)
Working / Discussion Paper

A review of management strategies for salt-prone land and water resources in Iran

Irrigation practices in Ethiopia: characteristics of selected irrigation schemes (12/10/2007)
Working / Discussion Paper

Irrigation practices in Ethiopia: characteristics of selected irrigation schemes

Water resources and irrigation development in Ethiopia (12/10/2007)
Working / Discussion Paper

Water resources and irrigation development in Ethiopia

Characterization and monitoring of the regolith aquifer within four selected cascades (sub-watersheds) of the Malala Oya Basin [Sri Lanka] (2/29/2008)
Working / Discussion Paper

Characterization and monitoring of the regolith aquifer within four selected cascades (sub-watersheds) of the Malala Oya Basin [Sri Lanka]

Environmental and social values of river water: examples from the Menik Ganga, Sri Lanka (11/22/2007)
Working / Discussion Paper

Environmental and social values of river water: examples from the Menik Ganga, Sri Lanka

Establishing a catchment monitoring network through a participatory approach: a case study from the Potshini Catchment in the Thukela River Basin, South Africa (10/4/2007)
Working / Discussion Paper

Establishing a catchment monitoring network through a participatory approach: a case study from the Potshini Catchment in the Thukela River Basin, South Africa

Decision support systems for large dam planning and operation in Africa (7/24/2007)
Working / Discussion Paper

Decision support systems for large dam planning and operation in Africa

A proposed framework for irrigation management transfer in Iran: Lessons from Asia and Iran (7/3/2007)
Working / Discussion Paper

A proposed framework for irrigation management transfer in Iran: Lessons from Asia and Iran

Minimizing the negative environmental and health impacts of agricultural water resources development in Sub-Saharan Africa (3/21/2007)
Working / Discussion Paper

Minimizing the negative environmental and health impacts of agricultural water resources development in Sub-Saharan Africa

Application of the water evaluation and planning (WEAP) Model to assess future water demands and resources in the Olifants Catchment, South Africa (7/24/2007)
Working / Discussion Paper

Application of the water evaluation and planning (WEAP) Model to assess future water demands and resources in the Olifants Catchment, South Africa

Sustaining crop water productivity in rice-wheat systems of South Asia: A case study from the Punjab, Pakistan (4/23/2007)
Working / Discussion Paper

Sustaining crop water productivity in rice-wheat systems of South Asia: A case study from the Punjab, Pakistan

Multiple use schemes: Benefit to smallholders (1/31/2007)
Working / Discussion Paper

Multiple use schemes: Benefit to smallholders

Factors affecting the formation of FWUCs in institution building for PIMD in Cambodia: Two case studies (8/16/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Factors affecting the formation of FWUCs in institution building for PIMD in Cambodia: Two case studies

Indigenous and institutional profile: Limpopo River Basin (10/17/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Indigenous and institutional profile: Limpopo River Basin

Hydro-political assessment of water governance from the top-down and review of literature on local level institutions and practices in the Volta Basin (7/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Hydro-political assessment of water governance from the top-down and review of literature on local level institutions and practices in the Volta Basin

A review of climate change scenarios and preliminary rainfall trend analysis in the Oum Er Rbia Basin, Morocco (6/2/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

A review of climate change scenarios and preliminary rainfall trend analysis in the Oum Er Rbia Basin, Morocco

Smallholder system innovations in integrated watershed management (SSI): strategies of water for food and environmental security in drought-prone tropical and subtropical agro-ecosystems (9/4/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Smallholder system innovations in integrated watershed management (SSI): strategies of water for food and environmental security in drought-prone tropical and subtropical agro-ecosystems

Status of institutional reforms for integrated water resources management in Asia: indications from policy reviews in five countries (5/16/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Status of institutional reforms for integrated water resources management in Asia: indications from policy reviews in five countries

Institutional adaptation for integrated water resources management: an effective strategy for managing Asian river basins (5/16/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Institutional adaptation for integrated water resources management: an effective strategy for managing Asian river basins

Assessing water availability under pastoral livestock systems in drought-prone Isiolo District, Kenya (6/2/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Assessing water availability under pastoral livestock systems in drought-prone Isiolo District, Kenya

Overview of water and soil nutrient management under smallholder rain-fed agriculture in East Africa (5/2/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Overview of water and soil nutrient management under smallholder rain-fed agriculture in East Africa

Potential for water conservation and harvesting against drought in Rajasthan, India (1/23/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Potential for water conservation and harvesting against drought in Rajasthan, India

An assessment of hydrology and environmental flows in the Walawe River Basin, Sri Lanka (20051201)
Working / Discussion Paper

An assessment of hydrology and environmental flows in the Walawe River Basin, Sri Lanka

Bright spots demonstrate community successes in African agriculture (2/17/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Bright spots demonstrate community successes in African agriculture

Reducing poverty through investments in agricultural water management. Part 1 - Poverty and gender issues, by Barbara van Koppen and Constantina Safilios-Rothschild. Part 2 - Synthesis of Sub-Saharan Africa case study reports, by Regassa Namara (1/23/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Reducing poverty through investments in agricultural water management. Part 1 - Poverty and gender issues, by Barbara van Koppen and Constantina Safilios-Rothschild. Part 2 - Synthesis of Sub-Saharan Africa case study reports, by Regassa Namara

Opportunities for private sector participation in agricultural water development and management (1/23/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Opportunities for private sector participation in agricultural water development and management

Improving irrigation project planning and implementation processes in Sub-Saharan Africa: Diagnosis and recommendations (1/23/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Improving irrigation project planning and implementation processes in Sub-Saharan Africa: Diagnosis and recommendations

Experiences and opportunities for promoting small-scale/micro irrigation and rainwater harvesting for food security in Ethiopia (20051201)
Working / Discussion Paper

Experiences and opportunities for promoting small-scale/micro irrigation and rainwater harvesting for food security in Ethiopia

Center commissioned external review of IWMI research theme 1: agricultural water management (20051123)
Working / Discussion Paper

Center commissioned external review of IWMI research theme 1: agricultural water management

Stakeholder participation in developing institutions for integrated water resources management: lessons from Asia (20050713)
Working / Discussion Paper

Stakeholder participation in developing institutions for integrated water resources management: lessons from Asia

Current policy and status of DDT use for malaria control in Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya and South Africa (20050324)
Working / Discussion Paper

Current policy and status of DDT use for malaria control in Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya and South Africa

Centre Commissioned External Review (CCER) of the IWMI-TATA Water Policy Research Program (20050527)
Working / Discussion Paper

Centre Commissioned External Review (CCER) of the IWMI-TATA Water Policy Research Program

State level analysis of drought policies and impacts in Rajasthan, India (20051031)
Working / Discussion Paper

State level analysis of drought policies and impacts in Rajasthan, India

Small tank cascade systems in the Walawe River Basin [Sri Lanka] (20050526)
Working / Discussion Paper

Small tank cascade systems in the Walawe River Basin [Sri Lanka]

Adaptive, participatory and integrated assessment of the impacts of irrigation on fisheries evaluation of the approach in Sri Lanka (20050324)
Working / Discussion Paper

Adaptive, participatory and integrated assessment of the impacts of irrigation on fisheries evaluation of the approach in Sri Lanka

Livelihoods and gender roles in drip-irrigation technology: A case of Nepal (20050816)
Working / Discussion Paper

Livelihoods and gender roles in drip-irrigation technology: A case of Nepal

Drought impacts and potential for their mitigation in southern and western Afghanistan (20050217)
Working / Discussion Paper

Drought impacts and potential for their mitigation in southern and western Afghanistan

An evaluation of proposed World Water Programme indicators for use in South Africa (20051027)
Working / Discussion Paper

An evaluation of proposed World Water Programme indicators for use in South Africa

Biophysical and institutional factors in watershed management: A comparative analysis of four pilot watershed projects in India’s tribal belt (20050217)
Working / Discussion Paper

Biophysical and institutional factors in watershed management: A comparative analysis of four pilot watershed projects in India’s tribal belt

Analysis of drought-coping strategies in Baluchistan and Sindh provinces of Pakistan (20041012)
Working / Discussion Paper

Analysis of drought-coping strategies in Baluchistan and Sindh provinces of Pakistan

Drought mitigation in Pakistan: current status and options for future strategies (20050217)
Working / Discussion Paper

Drought mitigation in Pakistan: current status and options for future strategies

Review and analysis of drought monitoring, declaration and management in India (20041013)
Working / Discussion Paper

Review and analysis of drought monitoring, declaration and management in India

Review, automated estimation and analyses of drought indices in South Asia (20041013)
Working / Discussion Paper

Review, automated estimation and analyses of drought indices in South Asia

Estimating water requirements and water storage requirements for farms, community and backyard gardens, and for large irrigation systems: A user manual for PLANWAT Version 1.2.3b and a CD-ROM to install this program (20050216)
Working / Discussion Paper

Estimating water requirements and water storage requirements for farms, community and backyard gardens, and for large irrigation systems: A user manual for PLANWAT Version 1.2.3b and a CD-ROM to install this program

Institutions for integrated water resources management in upland watersheds of Southeast Asia: A comparative analysis of Thailand and Lao PDR (20040921)
Working / Discussion Paper

Institutions for integrated water resources management in upland watersheds of Southeast Asia: A comparative analysis of Thailand and Lao PDR

Institutional/legal classification, MSEC Project sites in Thailand and Lao PDR (20040921)
Working / Discussion Paper

Institutional/legal classification, MSEC Project sites in Thailand and Lao PDR

Institutional analysis of integrated water resources management in river basins: A methodology paper (20040921)
Working / Discussion Paper

Institutional analysis of integrated water resources management in river basins: A methodology paper

Institutions for integrated water-resources management in river basins: An analytical framework (20040921)
Working / Discussion Paper

Institutions for integrated water-resources management in river basins: An analytical framework

Institutions for integrated water-resources management in river basins: A synthesis of IWMI research (20040921)
Working / Discussion Paper

Institutions for integrated water-resources management in river basins: A synthesis of IWMI research

Hydrology and water resources development in the Olifants River Catchment (20041126)
Working / Discussion Paper

Hydrology and water resources development in the Olifants River Catchment

The river basin game: A water dialogue tool (20050112)
Working / Discussion Paper

The river basin game: A water dialogue tool

Possible impacts of the transformation of water infrastructure on productive water uses: The case of the Seokodibeng village in South Africa (20041126)
Working / Discussion Paper

Possible impacts of the transformation of water infrastructure on productive water uses: The case of the Seokodibeng village in South Africa

The transformation of irrigation boards into water user associations in South Africa: Case studies of the Umlaas, Komati, Lomati and Hereford Irrigation Boards. Volume 2 (20041126)
Working / Discussion Paper

The transformation of irrigation boards into water user associations in South Africa: Case studies of the Umlaas, Komati, Lomati and Hereford Irrigation Boards. Volume 2

The transformation of irrigation boards into water user associations in South Africa: Case studies of the Lower Olifants, Great Letaba and Vaalharts water user associations. Volume 1 (20041126)
Working / Discussion Paper

The transformation of irrigation boards into water user associations in South Africa: Case studies of the Lower Olifants, Great Letaba and Vaalharts water user associations. Volume 1

Formal water rights in rural Tanzania: deepening the dichotomy? (20041126)
Working / Discussion Paper

Formal water rights in rural Tanzania: deepening the dichotomy?

Gender roles and multiple uses of water in North Gujarat (20040712)
Working / Discussion Paper

Gender roles and multiple uses of water in North Gujarat

Institutional changes to reduce land preparation delay in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka (20040723)
Working / Discussion Paper

Institutional changes to reduce land preparation delay in the North Central Province of Sri Lanka

Accounting of agricultural and nonagricultural impacts of irrigation and drainage Systems: A report of research in Taiwan and Sri Lanka in 2003 (20040616)
Working / Discussion Paper

Accounting of agricultural and nonagricultural impacts of irrigation and drainage Systems: A report of research in Taiwan and Sri Lanka in 2003

Center-commissioned external review of International Water Management Institute: Consolidated report, 19-29 May 2003 (20040804)
Working / Discussion Paper

Center-commissioned external review of International Water Management Institute: Consolidated report, 19-29 May 2003

Improving agricultural productivity for poverty alleviation through integrated service provision with public-private sector partnerships: examples and issues (20040628)
Working / Discussion Paper

Improving agricultural productivity for poverty alleviation through integrated service provision with public-private sector partnerships: examples and issues

Growing more rice with less water: Increasing water productivity in rice- based cropping systems: Progress of research, 1 July 2002 to 30 June 2003 (20040804)
Working / Discussion Paper

Growing more rice with less water: Increasing water productivity in rice- based cropping systems: Progress of research, 1 July 2002 to 30 June 2003

The groundwater economy of Pakistan (20031218)
Working / Discussion Paper

The groundwater economy of Pakistan

Biodiversity associated with the rice field agroecosystem in Asian countries: a brief review (20040618)
Working / Discussion Paper

Biodiversity associated with the rice field agroecosystem in Asian countries: a brief review

Anicut systems in Sri Lanka: the case of the upper Walawe River Basin [Sri Lanka] (20031219)
Working / Discussion Paper

Anicut systems in Sri Lanka: the case of the upper Walawe River Basin [Sri Lanka]

Food security and sustainable agriculture in India: the water management challenge (20040301)
Working / Discussion Paper

Food security and sustainable agriculture in India: the water management challenge

Multi-level participatory consultative approach for institutional change in river basins: Lessons from the Deduru Oya Case Study in Sri Lanka (20031219)
Working / Discussion Paper

Multi-level participatory consultative approach for institutional change in river basins: Lessons from the Deduru Oya Case Study in Sri Lanka

Developing effective institutions for water resources management: A case study in the Deduru Oya Basin, Sri Lanka (20020808)
Working / Discussion Paper

Developing effective institutions for water resources management: A case study in the Deduru Oya Basin, Sri Lanka

Yellow river comprehensive assessment: Basin features and issues – Collaborative research between International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and Yellow River Conservancy Commission (YRCC) (20031124)
Working / Discussion Paper

Yellow river comprehensive assessment: Basin features and issues – Collaborative research between International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and Yellow River Conservancy Commission (YRCC)

Strategies for conserving water and effecting mosquito vector control in rice ecosystems: A case study from Tamil Nadu, India (20030819)
Working / Discussion Paper

Strategies for conserving water and effecting mosquito vector control in rice ecosystems: A case study from Tamil Nadu, India

Growing more rice with less water: Increasing water productivity in rice-based cropping systems – Progress of research, 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002 (20030425)
Working / Discussion Paper

Growing more rice with less water: Increasing water productivity in rice-based cropping systems – Progress of research, 1 July 2001 to 30 June 2002

Innovative approaches to agricultural water use for improving food security in Sub- Saharan Africa (20040121)
Working / Discussion Paper

Innovative approaches to agricultural water use for improving food security in Sub- Saharan Africa

Integrated database development for river basin management: An example from Rechna Doab (6/2/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Integrated database development for river basin management: An example from Rechna Doab

Institutional constraints to conjunctive water management in the Rechna Doab (6/2/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Institutional constraints to conjunctive water management in the Rechna Doab

Water resources management in Afghanistan: The issues and options (20030326)
Working / Discussion Paper

Water resources management in Afghanistan: The issues and options

Conjunctive water management in the Rechna Doab: An overview of resources and issues (6/2/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Conjunctive water management in the Rechna Doab: An overview of resources and issues

Malaria in irrigated agriculture: papers and abstracts for the SIMA Special Seminar at the ICID 18th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, Montreal, 23 July 2002 (20020724)
Working / Discussion Paper

Malaria in irrigated agriculture: papers and abstracts for the SIMA Special Seminar at the ICID 18th International Congress on Irrigation and Drainage, Montreal, 23 July 2002

Linkages between irrigation and drinking water in Pakistan (20030108)
Working / Discussion Paper

Linkages between irrigation and drinking water in Pakistan

Pesticides: Health impacts and alternatives. Proceedings of a workshop held in Colombo, 24 January 2002 (20021126)
Working / Discussion Paper

Pesticides: Health impacts and alternatives. Proceedings of a workshop held in Colombo, 24 January 2002

Simulating impacts of irrigation on the hydrology of the Karagan Lagoon in Sri Lanka (20020722)
Working / Discussion Paper

Simulating impacts of irrigation on the hydrology of the Karagan Lagoon in Sri Lanka

Accounting of agricultural and nonagricultural impacts of irrigation and drainage systems: A study of multifunctionality in rice (20030225)
Working / Discussion Paper

Accounting of agricultural and nonagricultural impacts of irrigation and drainage systems: A study of multifunctionality in rice

Environmental water needs and impacts of irrigated agriculture in river basins: A framework for a new research program (20020327)
Working / Discussion Paper

Environmental water needs and impacts of irrigated agriculture in river basins: A framework for a new research program

Integrated development and management of water resources for productive and equitable use in the Indrawati River Basin, Nepal (20020916)
Working / Discussion Paper

Integrated development and management of water resources for productive and equitable use in the Indrawati River Basin, Nepal

Farmers' skimming well technologies: Practices, problems, perceptions and prospects (20020529)
Working / Discussion Paper

Farmers' skimming well technologies: Practices, problems, perceptions and prospects

Irrigation impacts on income inequality and poverty alleviation: policy issues and options for improved management of irrigation systems (20020321)
Working / Discussion Paper

Irrigation impacts on income inequality and poverty alleviation: policy issues and options for improved management of irrigation systems

Do equal land and water rights benefit the poor?: Targeted irrigation development: The case of the Andhi Khola Irrigation Scheme in Nepal (20020718)
Working / Discussion Paper

Do equal land and water rights benefit the poor?: Targeted irrigation development: The case of the Andhi Khola Irrigation Scheme in Nepal

Wastewater use in agriculture: review of impacts and methodological issues in valuing impacts (20020612)
Working / Discussion Paper

Wastewater use in agriculture: review of impacts and methodological issues in valuing impacts

Global irrigated area mapping: overview and recommendations (20020305)
Working / Discussion Paper

Global irrigated area mapping: overview and recommendations

Crop growth and soil water balance modeling to explore water management options (20020227)
Working / Discussion Paper

Crop growth and soil water balance modeling to explore water management options

Root zone salinity management using fractional skimming wells with pressurized irrigation: inception report (20020724)
Working / Discussion Paper

Root zone salinity management using fractional skimming wells with pressurized irrigation: inception report

Proposed business plan for pilot farmer organizations: Extended project on Farmer Managed Irrigated Agriculture in LBOD Project Area of Sindh Province (20020305)
Working / Discussion Paper

Proposed business plan for pilot farmer organizations: Extended project on Farmer Managed Irrigated Agriculture in LBOD Project Area of Sindh Province

Farmers' perceptions of the social mobilization of water user organizations in the Sindh, Pakistan (20011219)
Working / Discussion Paper

Farmers' perceptions of the social mobilization of water user organizations in the Sindh, Pakistan

Water for rural development: Background paper on water for rural development prepared for the World Bank (20011207)
Working / Discussion Paper

Water for rural development: Background paper on water for rural development prepared for the World Bank

Assessment of performance and impact of irrigation and water resources systems in Taiwan and Sri Lanka (20010919)
Working / Discussion Paper

Assessment of performance and impact of irrigation and water resources systems in Taiwan and Sri Lanka

Wastewater reuse in agriculture in Vietnam: water management, environment and human health aspects. Proceedings of a workshop held in Hanoi, Vietnam, 14 March 2001 (20011105)
Working / Discussion Paper

Wastewater reuse in agriculture in Vietnam: water management, environment and human health aspects. Proceedings of a workshop held in Hanoi, Vietnam, 14 March 2001

Malaria risk mapping in Sri Lanka: Implications for its use in control - Proceedings of a workshop held at the International Water Management Institute, Colombo, 25 May 2001 (20011106)
Working / Discussion Paper

Malaria risk mapping in Sri Lanka: Implications for its use in control - Proceedings of a workshop held at the International Water Management Institute, Colombo, 25 May 2001

Institutional arrangements for land drainage in developing countries (20011115)
Working / Discussion Paper

Institutional arrangements for land drainage in developing countries

Ruhuna benchmark basin activities: proceedings of the inaugural meeting held at Peacock Beach Hotel, Hambantota, Sri Lanka, 15 June 2001 (20010906)
Working / Discussion Paper

Ruhuna benchmark basin activities: proceedings of the inaugural meeting held at Peacock Beach Hotel, Hambantota, Sri Lanka, 15 June 2001

A framework for analyzing socioeconomic, health and environmental impacts of wastewater use in agriculture in developing countries (20011018)
Working / Discussion Paper

A framework for analyzing socioeconomic, health and environmental impacts of wastewater use in agriculture in developing countries

Childhood diarrhea and hygiene: Mothers' perceptions and practices in the Punjab, Pakistan (20010926)
Working / Discussion Paper

Childhood diarrhea and hygiene: Mothers' perceptions and practices in the Punjab, Pakistan

Spatial distribution of reference and potential evapotranspiration across  the Indus Basin Irrigation Systems (20020115)
Working / Discussion Paper

Spatial distribution of reference and potential evapotranspiration across the Indus Basin Irrigation Systems

Searching evidence for climatic change: Analysis of hydro-meteorological time series in the Upper Indus Basin (20010820)
Working / Discussion Paper

Searching evidence for climatic change: Analysis of hydro-meteorological time series in the Upper Indus Basin

Malaria risk mapping in Sri Lanka - Results from the Uda Walawe area: Proceedings of a workshop held in Embilipitiya, Sri Lanka, 29th March 2001 (20010531)
Working / Discussion Paper

Malaria risk mapping in Sri Lanka - Results from the Uda Walawe area: Proceedings of a workshop held in Embilipitiya, Sri Lanka, 29th March 2001

Estimating the potential of rain-fed agriculture (20010904)
Working / Discussion Paper

Estimating the potential of rain-fed agriculture

Empowerment of farmer organizations: case study of Farmer Managed Irrigated Agriculture Project, Sindh (20020111)
Working / Discussion Paper

Empowerment of farmer organizations: case study of Farmer Managed Irrigated Agriculture Project, Sindh

Policies, legislation and organizations related to water in South Africa, with special reference to the Olifants River Basin (20010531)
Working / Discussion Paper

Policies, legislation and organizations related to water in South Africa, with special reference to the Olifants River Basin

Hydro-institutional mapping in the Steelpoort River Basin, South Africa (20010531)
Working / Discussion Paper

Hydro-institutional mapping in the Steelpoort River Basin, South Africa

Capacity building for participatory irrigation management in Sindh Province of Pakistan (20010531)
Working / Discussion Paper

Capacity building for participatory irrigation management in Sindh Province of Pakistan

Women irrigators and leaders in the West Gandak Scheme, Nepal (20010511)
Working / Discussion Paper

Women irrigators and leaders in the West Gandak Scheme, Nepal

Gender in lift irrigation schemes in East Gujarat, India (20010322)
Working / Discussion Paper

Gender in lift irrigation schemes in East Gujarat, India

Gender and irrigation in India: the Women's Irrigation Group of Jambar, South Gujarat (20010322)
Working / Discussion Paper

Gender and irrigation in India: the Women's Irrigation Group of Jambar, South Gujarat

An assessment of female participation in minor irrigation systems of Sri Lanka (20010322)
Working / Discussion Paper

An assessment of female participation in minor irrigation systems of Sri Lanka

Elixir or opiate?: an assessment of minor irrigation policies in North Bengal (19990511)
Working / Discussion Paper

Elixir or opiate?: an assessment of minor irrigation policies in North Bengal

Irrigation, health and environment: a review of literature from Turkey (20010208)
Working / Discussion Paper

Irrigation, health and environment: a review of literature from Turkey

Land and water productivity: trends across Punjab canal commands (20010912)
Working / Discussion Paper

Land and water productivity: trends across Punjab canal commands

Remodeling of outlets in three pilot distributaries under the Farmer Managed Irrigation Project in Sindh Province, Pakistan (20010531)
Working / Discussion Paper

Remodeling of outlets in three pilot distributaries under the Farmer Managed Irrigation Project in Sindh Province, Pakistan

Achieving stable canal conditions following remodeling: the case study of Bareji Distributary, Mirpurkhas (20010531)
Working / Discussion Paper

Achieving stable canal conditions following remodeling: the case study of Bareji Distributary, Mirpurkhas

Water distribution equity in Sindh province, Pakistan (5/4/2009)
Working / Discussion Paper

Water distribution equity in Sindh province, Pakistan

A framework for institutional analysis for water resources management in a river basin context (20000802)
Working / Discussion Paper

A framework for institutional analysis for water resources management in a river basin context

Irrigation management in Pakistan and India: comparing notes on institutions and policies (20001211)
Working / Discussion Paper

Irrigation management in Pakistan and India: comparing notes on institutions and policies

Olifants River irrigation schemes: reports 1 and 2. Report 1 - Crop and irrigation data for four separate irrigation schemes. Report 2 - Irrigation management structures for four separate irrigation schemes (20010115)
Working / Discussion Paper

Olifants River irrigation schemes: reports 1 and 2. Report 1 - Crop and irrigation data for four separate irrigation schemes. Report 2 - Irrigation management structures for four separate irrigation schemes

Developing a hydrological model for the Mekong Basin: impacts of basin development on fisheries productivity (20001127)
Working / Discussion Paper

Developing a hydrological model for the Mekong Basin: impacts of basin development on fisheries productivity

Modeling water allocation between wetlands and irrigated agriculture: case study of the Gediz Basin, Turkey (20010111)
Working / Discussion Paper

Modeling water allocation between wetlands and irrigated agriculture: case study of the Gediz Basin, Turkey

Water-related environmental factors and malaria transmission in Mahi Kadana, Gujarat, India (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Water-related environmental factors and malaria transmission in Mahi Kadana, Gujarat, India

An investigation of the relationship between depth to groundwater and malaria prevalence, Punjab, Pakistan (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

An investigation of the relationship between depth to groundwater and malaria prevalence, Punjab, Pakistan

Farmers' organized behavior in irrigated agriculture in Pakistan's Punjab: a case study of six watercourse command areas in Junejwala Minor, Lower Chenab Canal System (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Farmers' organized behavior in irrigated agriculture in Pakistan's Punjab: a case study of six watercourse command areas in Junejwala Minor, Lower Chenab Canal System

Participatory rural appraisal for irrigation management research: lessons from IIMI's experience (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Participatory rural appraisal for irrigation management research: lessons from IIMI's experience

Water balance model for planning rehabilitation of a tank cascade irrigation system in Sri Lanka (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Water balance model for planning rehabilitation of a tank cascade irrigation system in Sri Lanka

Enhancing the manageability of rotational irrigation in Indonesia: a pilot experiment in West Java (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Enhancing the manageability of rotational irrigation in Indonesia: a pilot experiment in West Java

Impact of management interventions on the performance of five irrigation schemes in Sri Lanka (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Impact of management interventions on the performance of five irrigation schemes in Sri Lanka

Improving irrigation management through better information: testing practical options in Indonesia (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Improving irrigation management through better information: testing practical options in Indonesia

Lift irrigation in West Africa: challenges for sustainable local management (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Lift irrigation in West Africa: challenges for sustainable local management

Decision support system (DSS) for water distribution management: theory and practice (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Decision support system (DSS) for water distribution management: theory and practice

Water markets in the Fordwah/Eastern Sadiqia area: an answer to perceived deficiencies in canal water supplies? (19940915)
Working / Discussion Paper

Water markets in the Fordwah/Eastern Sadiqia area: an answer to perceived deficiencies in canal water supplies?

Farmer-managed irrigation systems in Chitral (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Farmer-managed irrigation systems in Chitral

Institutional perspectives of land reclamation operations in Punjab: a case study of the Lower Chenab Canal (East) Circle Area (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Institutional perspectives of land reclamation operations in Punjab: a case study of the Lower Chenab Canal (East) Circle Area

Gender issues, water issues: a gender perspective on irrigation management (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Gender issues, water issues: a gender perspective on irrigation management

Management of private tubewells in a conjunctive use environment: a case study in the Mananwala Distributary Command Area, Punjab, Pakistan (19931222)
Working / Discussion Paper

Management of private tubewells in a conjunctive use environment: a case study in the Mananwala Distributary Command Area, Punjab, Pakistan

Changes in water duties and their impact on agricultural production: the case of Girsal Minor (19931221)
Working / Discussion Paper

Changes in water duties and their impact on agricultural production: the case of Girsal Minor

The dynamics of irrigation system performance (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

The dynamics of irrigation system performance

Water management in a tank cascade irrigation system in Sri Lanka: first seasonal report of TARC-IIMI Joint Project 1991/1992 Maha Season (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Water management in a tank cascade irrigation system in Sri Lanka: first seasonal report of TARC-IIMI Joint Project 1991/1992 Maha Season

Introduction of monitoring activities at the main-canal level: a study of the Kirindi Oya right bank main canal - Maha 1991/92 (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Introduction of monitoring activities at the main-canal level: a study of the Kirindi Oya right bank main canal - Maha 1991/92

An expert system for the diagnosis of tank irrigated systems: a feasibility study (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

An expert system for the diagnosis of tank irrigated systems: a feasibility study

Tubewells in Pakistan distributary canal commands: Lagar distributary, Lower Chenab canal system, Punjab (19920605)
Working / Discussion Paper

Tubewells in Pakistan distributary canal commands: Lagar distributary, Lower Chenab canal system, Punjab

An assessment of the village tank rehabilitation program of the Freedom From Hunger Campaign Board in Anuradhapura District (19910815)
Working / Discussion Paper

An assessment of the village tank rehabilitation program of the Freedom From Hunger Campaign Board in Anuradhapura District

Organizational aspects of improved irrigation management: Kalankuttiya Block, Mahaweli system H, Sri Lanka (19900725)
Working / Discussion Paper

Organizational aspects of improved irrigation management: Kalankuttiya Block, Mahaweli system H, Sri Lanka

Role of nongovernmental organizations in the improvement of minor irrigation systems in Sri Lanka: proceedings of a Workshop held at Digana Village, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 17-18 March 1989 (19900725)
Working / Discussion Paper

Role of nongovernmental organizations in the improvement of minor irrigation systems in Sri Lanka: proceedings of a Workshop held at Digana Village, Kandy, Sri Lanka, 17-18 March 1989

Organizational aspects of improved irrigation management: an experiment in Dewahuwa Tank, Sri Lanka (19900725)
Working / Discussion Paper

Organizational aspects of improved irrigation management: an experiment in Dewahuwa Tank, Sri Lanka

A rapid-assessment survey of the irrigation component of the Anuradhapura Dry-Zone Agricultural Project (ADZAP) (19900725)
Working / Discussion Paper

A rapid-assessment survey of the irrigation component of the Anuradhapura Dry-Zone Agricultural Project (ADZAP)

Fair and unfair: a study into the bethma system in two Sri Lankan village irrigation systems (19900228)
Working / Discussion Paper

Fair and unfair: a study into the bethma system in two Sri Lankan village irrigation systems

Guidelines for rapid assessment of minor irrigation systems in Sri Lanka (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Guidelines for rapid assessment of minor irrigation systems in Sri Lanka

Irrigation development in Bhutan (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Irrigation development in Bhutan

Improving irrigation system management through farmer-to-farmer training: examples from Nepal (19890525)
Working / Discussion Paper

Improving irrigation system management through farmer-to-farmer training: examples from Nepal

Organizational aspects of irrigation management in Kalankuttiya block, Mahaweli system H, Sri Lanka during the 1986 dry season (19890601)
Working / Discussion Paper

Organizational aspects of irrigation management in Kalankuttiya block, Mahaweli system H, Sri Lanka during the 1986 dry season

Calibration of the Kirindi Oya RBMC mathematical flow simulation model: description of the field measurement campaign and preliminary results (19890420)
Working / Discussion Paper

Calibration of the Kirindi Oya RBMC mathematical flow simulation model: description of the field measurement campaign and preliminary results

Land and water rights and the design of small-scale irrigation projects: the case of Baluchistan (19881207)
Working / Discussion Paper

Land and water rights and the design of small-scale irrigation projects: the case of Baluchistan

On physical remodeling and institution strengthening: an evaluation of the implications of the pilot field channel experience for the rehabilitation project at Uda Walawe, Sri Lanka (19881207)
Working / Discussion Paper

On physical remodeling and institution strengthening: an evaluation of the implications of the pilot field channel experience for the rehabilitation project at Uda Walawe, Sri Lanka

Strategies for improving minor irrigation systems in Sri Lanka (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Strategies for improving minor irrigation systems in Sri Lanka

Land settlement planning issues in irrigation management: a review of experiences in Sri Lanka (19880513)
Working / Discussion Paper

Land settlement planning issues in irrigation management: a review of experiences in Sri Lanka

Sustainability in irrigated agriculture (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Sustainability in irrigated agriculture

Turning over irrigation systems from the government of Indonesia to farmers (19871228)
Working / Discussion Paper

Turning over irrigation systems from the government of Indonesia to farmers

Social aspects of water management during the Maha season 1985/86 in Dewahuwa and Mahaweli H-2 Block 305: precept and practice (2/7/2006)
Working / Discussion Paper

Social aspects of water management during the Maha season 1985/86 in Dewahuwa and Mahaweli H-2 Block 305: precept and practice