Improving food security and nutrition in the Sahel
Working in different wetland landscapes in Ethiopia and Mali, the program will develop and communicate agricultural water use and management innovations that are relevant to a wide range of agricultural systems in and around Sahelian wetlands. These will contribute to local, national, Sahelian / African-wide goals of enhanced food security and nutrition by increasing water productivity and eco-efficiency, improving livelihoods and restoring (wetland) ecosystem services.
July 2019 to September 2023
Project leader
Alemseged Tamiru Haile
Alemseged Tamiru Haile
Water, food and ecosystems
Water, food and ecosystems
farmer-led irrigation, wetland
farmer-led irrigation, wetland
Official project name
Improving Food Security & Nutrition in the Sahel by Safeguarding Wetlands through Ecological Sustainable Agricultural Water Mgmt. (Proj-ID-095)
Improving Food Security & Nutrition in the Sahel by Safeguarding Wetlands through Ecological Sustainable Agricultural Water Mgmt. (Proj-ID-095)