Groundwater for aDvancing Resilience in Africa (G4DR)

G4DR aims to bring groundwater and its sustainable development and protection to the forefront of water security planning and investment in Africa, enhancing resilience for humans and ecosystems. It will do so through the following four components:

  • Strategic Planning: Supporting the African Ministers’ Council on Water, through their Pan-African Groundwater Program.
  • Evidence and Capacity for G4DR in Africa: Identifying aquifers that present risk and opportunity to enhance resilience, as well as populations/socio-economic contexts in Africa informing investments
  • Demonstrating benefit: Utilizing evidence-based planning to realize on-the-ground impacts in pilots
  • Incorporating G4DR into pan-African Youth Forums: Enhancing the beyond-project capacity, outreach, networking, and uptake of long-term workable and sustainable strategies and solutions.
  • Supporting Knowledge Management and M&E: Supporting capture, exchange and dissemination of key project advancements, as well as evaluation of project progress relative to targets.