HomeCGIARInternational Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)

Freshwater canal grabs in Bangladesh are harming local communities

IWMI's Paul Schulze and Deepa Joshi on how freshwater canals are being appropriated by leaseholders for personal gain.

CGIAR Initiative: NEXUS Gains

CGIAR Initiative on NEXUS Gains

The Ganges Delta polders are crucial for agricultural sustainability

The Ganges Delta polders are low-lying, protected areas vital for agriculture which face threats from salinity intrusion and waterlogging.

CGIAR Science Week

Innovation and partnerships for a food, nutrition, and climate secure-future.

IWMI opens office in Bangladesh

IWMI signals commitment to the country and strengthens collaboration with the Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council.

Data-driven breakthroughs and the future of agriculture at the CGIAR Digital Innovation Workshop

IWMI’s Digital Inclusion Index was a highlight of the workshop.

Online modules on Solar Irrigation for Agricultural Resilience launched!

The IWMI-led project’s main goal is to contribute to climate-resilient, gender-equitable, and socially inclusive agrarian livelihoods in Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan by supporting government efforts to promote solar irrigation.

Latest IPCC report highlights how climate change is causing extreme events and exacerbating risks of floods and droughts

All components of the hydrological cycle have been impacted by human-induced climate change, and the way we use our land and water has, in turn, also intensified the impacts.

How hybrid water law can transform water access in southern Africa

In rural southern Africa, hybrid water law is a tool for social justice and environmental stewardship.

Water’s role in boosting nutrition, health and food security

Developing business models that governments and the private sector take seriously, so that better use of water can lead to better nutrition, health and food security.

Water’s Fundamental Truths: Part 2 – Why do we have to manage water as a system?

Water has to be managed as a system, and cannot be effectively managed separately from land, or from its major uses or users, of which agriculture is by far the biggest.

Data, funds and dialogue key to water, energy, and food security in a changing climate for Pakistan

A holistic approach and reliable database on water resources and their use across Pakistan is the key to achieving food, water, and energy security in the fifth most climate-vulnerable country in the world.

Three ways water solutions restore the planet

Many of the threats the world faces involve water, but so do the climate solutions we need to restore our planet.

Three CGIAR Centers join forces to transform food systems in Southeast Asia

IRRI, WorldFish and IWMI have signed a 5-year agreement that provides the framework for cooperative research.

Rice Today: Mending Asia’s broken rice bowls

A decade of research demonstrates that “citizen science” has a major role to play in curbing ecosystem threats to the Ganges and Mekong River deltas.