DD Kisan’s Gao India program on November 11, 2015, featured IWMI’s Underground Taming of Floods for Irrigation (UTFI) project.
The ‘Water Secure Program’ episode covers innovative ways of managing water efficiently and improving water security. The UTFI concept is shown uniquely positioned to reduce the risk posed by floods and in improving the groundwater levels for use during times of need. In the video, the project and the pilot at Jiwai Jadid village is introduced as a collaborative effort between government institutions like ICAR, local community and research organizations led by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI). The speakers in the video include Vinay Kumar Mishra who is the Head of Central Soil Salinity Research Institute Lucknow (CSSRI Lucknow), Paul Pavelic and Bharat Sharma from International Water Management Institute.
Owned by Doordarshan, one of India’s largest broadcasting organizations, the DD Kisan channel runs program related to agriculture and farming.