Closing of the Krishna Basin: Irrigation, Streamflow Depletion and Macroscale Hydrology.


Biggs, Trent; Gaur, Anju; Scott, C.; Thenkabail, Prasad; Gangadhara Rao, Parthasaradhi; Gumma, Murali Krishna; Acharya, Sreedhar; Turral, Hugh. 2007. Closing of the Krishna Basin: irrigation, streamflow depletion and macroscale hydrology. Colombo, Sri Lanka: International Water Management Institute (IWMI) 38p. (IWMI Research Report 111) [doi: 10.3910/2009.111]



Discharge from the Krishna River into the ocean decreased by 75 percent from 1960-2005, and was zero during a recent multi-year drought. This paper describes the physical geography and hydrology of the Krishna Basin, including runoff production and a basic water account based on hydronomic zones. More than 50 percent of the basin’s irrigated area is groundwater irrigation, which is not currently included in inter-state allocation rules. Future water allocation will require inclusion of the interactions among all irrigated areas, including those irrigated by groundwater and surface water.


ISBN 978-92-9090-663-6

ISSN 1026-0862