Hi-tech system aims to enhance monitoring of the country’s water resources
IWMI has launched a hi-tech information system that promises to help enhance water management in Sri Lanka.
The Water Information System for Sri Lanka provides facts, figures and maps on trends in water availability, water use and water quality for the country.
The tool, launched in January 2014, is available free online and is the first of its kind for helping scientists and policymakers in Sri Lanka accurately monitor the dynamics of the country’s water resources.
It also provides a secure platform for cooperation among all the agencies involved in water management in the country to share their data.
It was developed in conjunction with several national partners, including the Department of Irrigation, the National Water Supply and Drainage Board, the Institute of Fundamental Studies, the Water Resources Board and the University of Jaffna.
Jeremy Bird, Director General, IWMI, said: “While many parts of Sri Lanka have an abundance of water resources, huge areas experience water scarcity. This means there is competition for water use for people’s individual needs and livelihoods, food production, industry, tourism as well the country’s stunning wildlife.
“Growing threats from climate change will intensify that competition, which means that it is more important than ever to manage water resources efficiently and sustainably. Tools such as the Water Information System for Sri Lanka play a part in supporting the country’s continued development, economic growth and future prosperity.”
IWMI’s work on the Sri Lanka Water Resources Information System is part of the CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE).