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Groundwater – Base Rock of Resilience

Groundwater - Base Rock of Resilience


August 25, 2020 - August 26, 2020    
4:00 pm - 4:45 pm


World Water Week
World Water Week - Webinar, World Water Week - Webinar
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Webinar Series

Session 1Session 2Session 3

AMCOW’s Pan-Africa Groundwater Program – A Roadmap to Resilience

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UhT1IW87T04?rel=0]

Convenors: International Water Management Institute, African Ministers’ Council on Water, Rural Water Supply Network, Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources, Germany, Global Environment Facility, UNESCO Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme, SADC Groundwater Management Institute, African Development Bank, Stockholm International Water Institute, British Geological Survey

The webinar will demonstrate how Africa, through the African Minister’s Council on Water (AMCOW), the apex body on water in Africa, is taking a strategic and programmatic approach to groundwater development and management through building the partnerships with Member States that are required to leapfrog sustainable groundwater management in the continent. The webinar discusses how to maintain and expand the momentum created for delivering tools, policy guidance and lesson sharing across the continent ensuring a sustainable, equitable, and resilient development pathway for groundwater-dependent communities across the continent.

25 August 16:00 – 16:45 (9434)

Time Title Speaker/Moderator
16:00-16:05 Opening and presentation of Speakers Moshood Tijani, Groundwater Desk Officer, AMCOW (Moderator)
16:05-16:10 AMCOW Pan-Africa Groundwater Program  (APAGroP) – Objectives and Achievements Paul Orengoh, Director of Programs, AMCOW
16:10-16:15 Sharing Lessons from Uganda on National Level Groundwater Management Callist Tindimugaya, MWE, Uganda
16:15-16:20 APAGrop Knowledge Brokering Karen G. Villholth, IWMI
16:20-16:25 Regional Perspective – Joining Forces to Enhance APAGroP Impacts James Sauramba, SADC-GMI
16:25-16:35 Dialogue – From Local to Transboundary Groundwater Management – How? Seifu Kebede, Univ. of KwaZulu-Natal and Alice Aureli, UNESCO-IHP
16:35-16:45 Round of feedback from Speakers on chat comments/questions from Attendants and closing Speakers and Moderator


Speaker Profiles

Global Groundwater Sustainability Statement – Call to Action for Resilience

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ujmhC6iIyw?rel=0]

Convenors: International Water Management Institute, University of Victoria, University of Saskatchewan, Michigan State University, Global Environment Facility, UNESCO International Hydrological Programme, International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis, International Association of Hydrogeologists. 

The webinar presents avenues and recent global initiatives to develop momentum around sustainable groundwater management in order to safeguard this resource for the resilience of present and future generations. A key pivot of this is the Global Groundwater Sustainability Statement – A call to Action, presently subscribed by 1,348 individual signatories from 102 countries, all expressing commitment to collaborating and expanding the professional and multi-level networks to deal with the increasing groundwater challenges. Linked to this, a UN-level collaborative Global Groundwater Summit is scheduled for 2022 during the ‘UN Year of Groundwater’, calling on highest-level policy and decision makers to commit and invest in sustainable groundwater management. Key issues and ways forward for operationalizing sustainable groundwater management are discussed.

25 August 17:00 – 17:45 (9435)

Time Title Speaker/moderator
17:00-17:05 Opening and presentation of Speakers Dave Kreamer, IAH (Moderator)
17:05-17:10 Global Groundwater Statement – Call to Action Karen G. Villholth, IWMI
17:10-17:15 Put the Spotlight on Groundwater Sustainability – The Global Groundwater Summit Neno Kukuric, IGRAC
17:15-17:20 Guiding Principles for Global Groundwater Sustainability Tom Gleeson, UVic
17:20-17:25 Groundwater Sustainability Plans for Stressed Aquifers by 2030 David Hyndman, MSU
17:25-17:35 Dialogue – Global Assessment of Groundwater Sustainability – How? Jay Famiglietti, USASK and Yoshihide Wada, IIASA
17:35-17:45 Round of feedback from Speakers on chat comments/questions from Attendants and closing Speakers and Moderator


Speaker Profiles

Groundwater to the Rescue! Climate Adaptation from the Underground

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grFk9EowCfk]

Convenors: Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR), UNESCO International Hydrological Programme, International Network of Basin Organizations, Global Environment Facility, African Ministers’ Council on Water, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation

Not only does groundwater cover the daily water needs for a third of humanity, it can also serve as an excellent tool for adaptation to climate change. For hundreds of years, people relied on groundwater to mitigate the severity of droughts. Correctly managed, it could furthermore reduce the intensity of extreme flood events by absorbing part of the excess runoff. Unfortunately, the debate on climate adaptation does not fully reflect this potential. In this webinar, experts and practitioners from the local, basin and international level will present groundwater-based climate adaptation measures and discuss conclusions for governance and cooperation.

26 August 11:00 – 11:45 (9059)

Time Title Speaker
11:00-11:05 Opening Keynote Mr. Antonio Chambel, IAH
Practical Examples of groundwater based climate adaptation
11:05 – 11:10 Local Example: North China Plain aquifer system Prof. Wolfgang Kinzelbach, SDC
11:10 – 11:15 National Example: Namibia Mr. Bertram Swartz, Namibian Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry
11:15 – 11:20 Transboundary Example: Okavango; Orange-Senqu Dr. Tales Carvalho Resende, UNESCO
11:20 – 11:40 Panel Discussion on groundwater’s role for climate finance, the private sector and cities

Panel Host

Dr. Ania Grobicki, Green Climate Fund, Ms. Deepa Maggo, World Business Council for Sustainable Development, Mr. Meng Wang, Young Earth Scientists

Dr. Alice Aureli, UNESCO-IHP

11:40 – 11:45 Conclusions Mr. Eric Tardieu, INBO


Speaker Profiles



Hashtags for social media: #Groundwater #WWWeek #AtHome #GRIPP
Useful Twitter handles: @IWMI_, @KVillholth, @siwi_water, @amcowafrica, @UNIGRAC, @WLE_CGIAR, @water_undergrnd