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November 7, 2022 - November 18, 2022    
All Day


Tonino Lamborghini International Convention Center, Sharm El-Sheikh
Tonino Lamborgini International Convention Center, El Salam Road, Um Marikha Bay, Sharm El-Sheikh, South Sinai Governorate

Science has established beyond doubt that the window for action is closing rapidly. In November 2022, Egypt will host the 27th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP27) in Sharm El-Sheikh, with a view to building on previous successes and paving the way for future ambition. A golden opportunity for all stakeholders to rise to the occasion and tackle effectively the global challenge of climate change facilitated by Egypt on the African continent.

IWMI’s presence and participation at COP27 seek to communicate an urgent and clear message to climate negotiators and policymakers: Transforming water systems to strengthen water security is central to climate action and must serve as the foundation for a climate-resilient future. 

IWMI delegation at COP27

IWMI sessions at COP27

IWMI will organize and participate in several official sessions, side events and networking events. Below you will find a list of events either co-organized by IWMI or featuring IWMI contributions. More information will be added to this list as it becomes available. Check back often for updates.

6 November

CGIAR in Africa: Accelerating delivery of science-based innovations for climate resilience across Africa through partnership

When and where: 6 November, 16:30-18:00 (Food and Agriculture Pavilion)

CGIAR’s three Africa-based Regional Integrated Initiatives and their partners will share experiences in scaling climate adaptation and mitigation efforts for accelerated growth in East and Southern Africa, West and Central Africa, and North Africa. They will consider impacts on food system transformations; national and regional policies; finance; and resilience building, especially among vulnerable populations.

Followed by cocktail reception (18:00 – 19:00)

Organizers: CGIAR, FAO and The Rockefeller Foundation

Join livestream: Food and Agriculture Pavilion – Putting agri-food systems at the heart of the agenda of COP-27 (cgiar.org)

7 November

Featuring research and innovation to address food security in Africa amidst climate change

When and where: 7 November, 13:30-14:30 (Food and Agriculture Pavilion)

Global food crises, conflicts, and trade shocks increasingly highlight the vulnerability of Africa’s food systems, and global food, water and biodiversity systems. In this session, CGIAR and partners unveil knowledge and initiatives to foster transformative adaptation approaches and respond sustainably to food security challenges, addressing root causes of vulnerability while contributing to sustaining peace.

Organizers: CGIAR, FAO and The Rockefeller Foundation

Join livestream: Food and Agriculture Pavilion – Putting agri-food systems at the heart of the agenda of COP-27 (cgiar.org)

12 November

Elevating Rural Economy: Solar Water Pumping Systems for Agriculture Use in Ethiopia

When and where: 12 November, 09:30-11:00 (ISA Pavilion)

The International Solar Alliance (ISA), jointly with Government of Ethiopia, will host a High-Level event on solarization opportunities in Ethiopia. The event would highlight various initiatives taken by Government of Ethiopia for promoting solar and the engagement of ISA with Ethiopia. The event will help funding agencies, technology providers, project develops and all other global stakeholders to understand the opportunities and intensify their engagement with the Country for scaling solar.

Alok Sikka (Country Representative – India & Principal Researcher, IWMI) will be part of a Panel Discussion on Opportunities and Challenges in Scaling Solar Water Pumping System in Ethiopia.

Join livestream: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FvjIWmoFRLy6LF4r1DiH0A

Elevating Rural Economy: Solar Water Pumping Systems for Agriculture Use in Ethiopia

When and where: 12 November, 11:30-13:00 (ISA Pavilion)

International Solar Alliance along with its partner organizations and other global organization will host an event on “Solar Water Pumping System: Enabling Solar Eco-System for Agriculture Use”. The event expected to benefit the member countries, funding agencies, technology providers, project developers, EPC agencies and other stakeholders to understand the latest developments, opportunities and challenges in scaling solar water pumping systems.

Alok Sikka (Country Representative – India & Principal Researcher, IWMI) will join the Panel Discussion.

Join livestream: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_FvjIWmoFRLy6LF4r1DiH0A

IPCC AR6 water security conclusions & launch of the Expanded Water Tracker for National Climate Plans

When and where: 12 November, 16:45-18:15 (Blue Zone, Room Hatshepsut)

At COP27, this session will launch a new global partnership supporting the implementation of water-resilient NDCs & NAPs. Speakers will provide an overview of climate risks to water security, including drought, floods, and human vulnerability and demonstrate how the Water Tracker tool addresses these systemic issues. More information is available here.

Convenors: Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA), Arup, Deltares, University of Exeter, Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office of the UK, International Water Management Institute (IWMI), Walker Institute at the University of Reading

Join livestream: https://www.youtube.com/c/UNClimateChange

Beyond the Water Box: Transformative partnerships for a climate resilient future

When and where: 12, November 18:30–19:45 (Water Pavilion)

To close out the first week of COP, organizers of the Resilience Hub and Water Pavilion will co-host a networking reception around the theme of accelerating science-informed, intergenerational, multistakeholder partnerships for a climate-resilient future, building on complementary topics explored in both pavilions throughout the week. Our interrelated climate, biodiversity, health, water, and food crises cannot be understood or addressed in isolation, nor can they be solved by one sector alone. The event will showcase 3-4 such partnerships followed by an opportunity for participants to ask questions and engage with speakers. Participants will also reflect on the critical role of youth and civil society engagement in designing, implementing and scaling multi-disciplinary solutions. Partnerships showcased:

  • Smithsonian: Life on a Sustainable Planet Initiative – Developing multi-stakeholder partnerships to accelerate nature- and culture-based climate solutions
  • IWMI / World Youth Parliament for Water: introducing the Transformative Futures for Water Security initiative
  • Alliance for Water Stewardship: innovative corporate partnerships [TBC]
  • Google / Local 2030 Islands Network – global island-led coalition to advance the SDGs

Organizers: Co-curators of the Water Pavilion Thematic Day and Resilience Hub

Join livestream: Water Pavilion at COP27 (waterforclimate.net)

14 November

Marrakech Partnership for Global Climate Action (MPGCA) Water Action Event – The power of water: the unexplored potential for climate resilience

When and where: 14 November, 10:00–12:00 (Room: Ibis)

The event co-organized by IWMI will showcase recent signals of change in water for climate from around the globe with a particular focus on the global south. By demonstrating tangible solutions through nature-based solutions for water resilient agriculture and urban city resilience the event seeks to inspire more ambitious water action. The objective is to offer a cross-sectoral perspective that moves beyond thematic silos by including non-traditional water voices and the potential for non-state actors to broaden and deepen engagement globally. By building a business case for water the event will showcase opportunities for accessing finance flows for water and climate related implementations. The event will include the launch of initiatives that aim to close the financial gap from the private sector and financial institutions, including tangible solutions on how this can be scaled up.

Organizers: SIWI, WRI, IWMI and High-Level Climate Champions; Contributions from Water for climate community including TNC, INBO, FWP, FDCO, AGWA, SWA

Join livestream: https://unfccc.int/event/mp-water-the-power-of-water-the-unexplored-potential-for-climate-resilience

Water Day, Plenary Session – Linking water resources policies with national climate action

When and where: 14 November, 15:30-16:45

Water is the source of life and livelihoods. Climate impacts on water and the linkages to wider, cross cutting impacts on development and livelihoods are well documented and substantiated by credible scientific reports and analyses including most recently by the IPCC and numerous other institutions. Discussions on Water Day will cover issues related to sustainable water resource management. the water day will comprise the different topics of water scarcity, drought, cross boundary cooperation and improvement of early warning systems.

Dr. Aditi Mukherji (IPCC, International Water Management Institute) will speak at the Plenary session on Linking water resources policies with national climate action and will give a presentation on the Integration of water resources management and climate action: Opportunities and Challenges.

Join livestream: https://www.youtube.com/c/UNClimateChange

17 November

Solar irrigation to address recurring global food, nutrition and fuel crises in a climate emergency

When and where: 17 November, 13:00-14:00 (Food and Agriculture Pavilion)

This session introduces new findings on solar irrigation uptake and challenges in Africa and South Asia, and the potential of the technology in a climate crisis. Key stakeholders will discuss tradeoffs across greenhouse gas mitigation, food and nutrition security and water depletion.

Session Organizers: NEXUS Gains (IWMI & IFPRI)

Join livestream: Food and Agriculture Pavilion – Putting agri-food systems at the heart of the agenda of COP-27 (cgiar.org)

6-18 November

Food and Agriculture Pavilion

6-18 November: Food and Agriculture Pavilion

IWMI will engage in the first ever pavilion at the UN Conference of Parties dedicated to food and agriculture which will show how agrifood systems are part of the solution to the climate crisis. A unique program of events will bring together government and community leaders, farmers, academics and other experts who are taking decisions on innovative solutions to help countries take effective climate action.

Organizers: CGIAR, FAO and The Rockefeller Foundation

More information: Food and Agriculture Pavilion – Putting agri-food systems at the heart of the agenda of COP-27 (cgiar.org)

The Water Pavilion: one water voice

This year’s COP will feature the Water Pavilion for a second consecutive year. The Pavilion will mobilize more than 30 different global organizations, institutions, governments, and companies committed to raising awareness of the role of water for climate. Together the partner organizations have developed an ambitious programme centred around ten different themes. IWMI are co-leading two thematic days at the Water Pavilion on DRR and Sustainable Cities for improved Livelihoods(10 November)and on Climate Smart Agriculture for Food Security, Adaptation, Sustainability (11 November).

Located within the COP27 Blue Zone, the Pavilion will host in-person events and livestream virtual events throughout the conference.  Visit the Water Pavilion at COP27

Water reuse in MENA

Climate change is aggravating the growing threat of water scarcity. Countries need to urgently adapt and one promising solution is the smart reuse of water.

Learn more through this interactive dashboard showing the challenges and solutions.

Session recordings and interviews