A key role for sustainable water management in curbing species extinction
The recent Global Assessment Summary from the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) has aroused global concern about the threat of massive species extinction. The assessment has also delivered an ominous warning of the need to protect land and water on which plants and animals depend for survival.
As countries come to grips with these messages, they need practical tools and resources to translate heightened concern into effective action for stemming biodiversity loss. One such method centers on the assessment of environmental flows, or E-flows, to determine the level of freshwater needed to sustain aquatic ecosystems and the many services they provide, including biodiversity.
In an Inter Press Service opinion article, Claudia Sadoff, director general of the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) makes the case for wider incorporation of E-flows assessment into sustainable water resource management. This, she argues, “is a key part of the solution to species extinction.”
Read the Inter Press Service opinion article.
Media Coverage:
- The Manila Times
- WorldNewsEdition.ml
- EcologyWay.info
- Worldika.com
- SergioMarelli.it