Articles published by

Sandaruwan Wickrama

Towards the harmonization of global environmental flow estimates: comparing the Global Environmental Flow Information System (GEFIS) with country data.

IWMI Research Report – 186 Citation: Eriyagama, N.; Messager, M. L.; Dickens, C.; Tharme, R.; Stassen, R. 2024. Towards...

Afghanistan Drought Early Warning Decision Support (AF-DEWS) Tool

IWMI Research Report – 188 Citation: Amarnath, G.; Ghosh, S.; Alahacoon, N. 2023. Afghanistan Drought Early Warning Decision Support...

Assessment of Farmers’ Willingness to Pay for Bundled Climate Insurance Solutions in Sri Lanka

IWMI Research Report – 187 Citation: Aheeyar, M.; Amarasinghe, U. A.; Amarnath, G.; Alahacoon, N.; Prasad, S.; Dissanayake, A....

Institutional Gender Mainstreaming in Small-Scale Irrigation: Lessons from Ethiopia

IWMI Research Report – 185 Citation: Nigussie, L.; Minh, T. T.; Schmitter, P. 2023. Institutional gender mainstreaming in small-scale...

Unlocking the power of water: Seven interventions to transform food systems

Water is essential for all life on earth and is central to the healthy functioning and sustainability of the Earth’s ecosystems. But what about the profound impact of water on our food systems?

Cocoa farmers in Ghana show strong interest in solar-based irrigation, but pump costs are often too high

IWMI research shows that cocoa farmers in Ghana are interested in solar-powered irrigation pumps but face financial barriers. Policy changes and education are needed.

How to harvest water from clouds of fog

IWMI's Deputy Director General, Rachael McDonnell, spoke to NPR's Goats and Soda about fog harvesting, a traditional technique that is now being expanded.

Water: Amplifying impact through the CGIAR Initiative on One Health

Globally, the health of water is affected by various water users and pollution sources including cities, towns, crops, livestock and industries.